Past events
Here you can find an overview of past events organized by the HPSL.
Thu, 6th Feb 25, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Uta Reinöhl & Naomi Peck, Freiburg: Linguistic 'Field' Work Methods (Language, Communication & Cognition)
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Uta Reinöhl & Naomi Peck Contact: Laura Schleicher HS 1098, Kollegiengebäude I, Platz der Universität 3 Freiburg i.Br., Germany |
Freiburg |
Wed, 5th Feb 25, 09:00 - 12:00 |
PhD Writing Group "Linguists Anonymous" – Social meeting
Contact: Isolde Bonnet Doktorandenlounge, Erbprinzenstrasse 12 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Thu, 30th Jan 25, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Daniela Müller, München: The Acquisition of Occitan and the Concept of Muda (Language, Communication & Cognition)
Lecturer(s): Daniela Müller Contact: Laura Schleicher Universität Freiburg, Hörsaal 1224 (Kollegiengebäude I) Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Wed, 29th Jan 25, 09:00 - 12:00 |
PhD Writing Group "Linguists Anonymous"
Contact: Isolde Bonnet Doktorandenlounge, Erbprinzenstrasse 12 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Thu, 23rd Jan 25, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Sergio Romero, Austin/Texas: Language Revitalization: Maya K'iche' in Guatemala (Language, Communication & Cognition)
Lecturer(s): Sergio Romero Contact: Laura Schleicher HS 1098, Kollegiengebäude I, Platz der Universität 3 Freiburg i.Br., Germany |
Freiburg |
Wed, 22nd Jan 25, 09:00 - 12:00 |
PhD Writing Group "Linguists Anonymous"
Contact: Isolde Bonnet Doktorandenlounge, Erbprinzenstrasse 12 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Thu, 16th Jan 25, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Simon Pröll & Tobias Streck, Freiburg: Visualising Linguistic Variation (= advanced learning session MA students) (Language, Communication & Cognition)
Lecturer(s): Simon Pröll & Tobias Streck Contact: Laura Schleicher HS 1098, Kollegiengebäude I, Platz der Universität 3 Freiburg i.Br., Germany |
Freiburg |
Thu, 16th Jan 25, 10:00 - 12:00 |
Statistics Self-Help Session
Contact: Laura Patrizzi |
Basel |
Wed, 15th Jan 25, 09:00 - 12:00 |
PhD Writing Group "Linguists Anonymous"
Contact: Isolde Bonnet Doktorandenlounge, Erbprinzenstrasse 12 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Thu, 9th Jan 25, 14:15 - 15:45 |
James Costa, Paris: Language Ideologies: The disqualification of vernacular forms of knowledge (Language, Communication & Cognition)
Lecturer(s): James Costa Contact: Laura Schleicher HS 1098, Kollegiengebäude I, Platz der Universität 3 Freiburg i.Br., Germany |
Freiburg |
Wed, 8th Jan 25, 09:00 - 12:00 |
PhD Writing Group "Linguists Anonymous" – Social meeting
Contact: Isolde Bonnet Doktorandenlounge, Erbprinzenstrasse 12 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Wed, 18th Dec 24, 09:00 - 12:00 |
PhD Writing Group "Linguists Anonymous"
Contact: Isolde Bonnet Doktorandenlounge, Erbprinzenstrasse 12 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Fri, 13th Dec 24, 14:30 - 16:00 |
Marcos Herrera (Lima): Doing-together with words. Online lecture
Lecturer(s): Marcos Herrera Contact: Laura Schleicher , |
Freiburg-Online |
Thu, 12th Dec 24, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Gerhard Lauer, Mainz: Cultural data analytics (Language, Communication & Cognition)
Lecturer(s): Gerhard Lauer Contact: Laura Schleicher Universität Freiburg, Hörsaal 1224 (Kollegiengebäude I) Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Wed, 11th Dec 24, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Maria Katarzyna Prenner (Graz): Schriftliche Zeugnisse einer Konfliktgemeinschaft. Ein Werkstattbericht aus der Digitalisierung belarusischer Texte
Lecturer(s): Maria Katarzyna Prenner Contact: Prof. Dr. Achim Rabus , |
Freiburg-Online |
Wed, 11th Dec 24, 09:00 - 12:00 |
PhD Writing Group "Linguists Anonymous"
Contact: Isolde Bonnet Doktorandenlounge, Erbprinzenstrasse 12 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Thu, 5th Dec 24, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Wifek Bouaziz & Naomi Peck: FAQ info-session for MA students (Language, Communication & Cognition)
Lecturer(s): Wifek Bouaziz & Naomi Peck Contact: Laura Schleicher Universität Freiburg, Hörsaal 1224 (Kollegiengebäude I) Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Wed, 4th Dec 24, 14:30 - 16:00 |
Kognitionswissenschaftliches Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Carolin Müller-Spitzer (IDS Mannheim), Lexikalische Varianz
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Carolin Müller-Spitzer Contact: Prof. Dr. Evelyn Ferstl Hebelstraße 10, Raum 03-013 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Wed, 4th Dec 24, 09:00 - 12:00 |
PhD Writing Group "Linguists Anonymous" – Social meeting
Contact: Isolde Bonnet Doktorandenlounge, Erbprinzenstrasse 12 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Tue, 3rd Dec 24, 16:15 - 17:45 |
Gastvortrag "Schematisierung oder Lexikalisierung? – Eine konstruktionsgrammatische Modellierung dt. Funktionsverbgefüge."
Lecturer(s): Florian Fleißner Contact: Mirjam Weder Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 001 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Tue, 3rd Dec 24, 10:15 - 11:45 |
Gastvortrag "Caracterización del español en la red social X: usos lingüísticos actuales"
Lecturer(s): Raquel Pinilla Gómez Contact: Oxana Danilova Kollegienhaus, HS 211, Petersplatz 1 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Mon, 2nd Dec 24, 14:15 - 16:00 |
Sprach-Wahl als Ausdruck von Identität(en) und Sprachhaltungen. Mehrsprachigkeit am Beispiel von Äquatorialguinea (Ringvorlesung: Sprachkompetenzen im Lebensverlauf)
Lecturer(s): Sandra Schlumpf-Thurnherr (Basel) Contact: Heike Behrens Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 115, Universität Basel, Petersplatz 1 4051 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Mon, 2nd Dec 24, 12:15 - 13:45 |
Gastvortrag "Estrategias multimodales en las redes: la palabra y la imagen"
Lecturer(s): Raquel Pinilla Gómez Contact: Alba N. García Agüero Maiengasse 51 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Thu, 28th Nov 24, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Julia Müller, Freiburg: Corpus Linguistics (= advanced learning session MA students) (Language, Communication & Cognition)
Lecturer(s): Julia Müller Contact: Laura Schleicher HS 1098, Kollegiengebäude I, Platz der Universität 3 Freiburg i.Br., Germany |
Freiburg |
28th - 29th Nov 24 |
Workshop Workplace interactions, expert practices and genetics
Lecturer(s): Vololona Rabeharisoa, Floerence Paterson and others Contact: Lorenza Mondada |
Basel |
Wed, 27th Nov 24, 09:00 - 12:00 |
PhD Writing Group "Linguists Anonymous"
Contact: Isolde Bonnet Doktorandenlounge, Erbprinzenstrasse 12 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Mon, 25th Nov 24, 14:45 - 15:45 |
Gastvortrag "Aktuelle Forschung zu dialektalen Charakteristika des äquatorialguineischen Spanisch. Unbetonte Personalpronomen und Bewegungsverben"
Lecturer(s): Sara Carreira Contact: Sandra Schlumpf-Thurnherr Maiengasse 51, O105 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Mon, 25th Nov 24, 14:15 - 16:00 |
Gut(e) Gründe geben: Herausforderungen in der Ausbildung mündlicher Argumentationskompetenz (Ringvorlesung: Sprachkompetenzen im Lebensverlauf)
Lecturer(s): Martin Luginbühl und Oliver Spiess (Basel) Contact: Heike Behrens Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 115, Universität Basel, Petersplatz 1 4051 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Thu, 21st Nov 24, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Ferdinand von Mengden, Berlin: How do we attain a synchronic stage? On methodological nationalism in and around linguistics (Language, Communication & Cognition)
Lecturer(s): Ferdinand von Mengden Contact: Laura Schleicher HS 1098, Kollegiengebäude I, Platz der Universität 3 Freiburg i.Br., Germany |
Freiburg |
Wed, 20th Nov 24, 09:00 - 12:00 |
PhD Writing Group "Linguists Anonymous"
Contact: Isolde Bonnet Doktorandenlounge, Erbprinzenstrasse 12 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Mon, 18th Nov 24, 14:15 - 16:00 |
Brücken schlagen: Gemeinsamkeiten und Transfer zwischen Sprachen im mehrsprachigen Erstspracherwerb (Ringvorlesung: Sprachkompetenzen im Lebensverlauf)
Lecturer(s): Katrin Skoruppa (Neuchâtel) Contact: Heike Behrens Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 115, Universität Basel, Petersplatz 1 4051 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Thu, 14th Nov 24, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Birgit Hellwig, Köln: Repetition and variation in child language: Perspectives from Papua New Guinea (Language, Communication & Cognition)
Lecturer(s): Birgit Hellwig Contact: Laura Schleicher HS 1098, Kollegiengebäude I, Platz der Universität 3 Freiburg i.Br., Germany |
Freiburg |
Thu, 14th Nov 24, 10:15 - 11:45 |
Vortrag "Caratteristiche della scrittura argomentativa nella scuola superiore. Tra testi di qualità e promesse non mantenute"
Lecturer(s): Lorenzo Zanasi Contact: Filippo Pecorari Maiengasse 51, Aula U115 Basel, Switzerland |
14th - 15th Nov 24 |
Abschlusstagung Projekt KompAS "Perspectives on Argumentation in Context: Interactional Skills, Logical Structures and Methodological Advances"
Lecturer(s): Oliver Spiess, Tamara Koch, Daniel Müller-Feldmeth and others Contact: Martin Luginbühl Kollegienhaus Mehrzweckraum 035, Universität Basel 4051 Basel , Switzerland |
Basel |
Wed, 13th Nov 24, 09:00 - 12:00 |
PhD Writing Group "Linguists Anonymous"
Contact: Isolde Bonnet Doktorandenlounge, Erbprinzenstrasse 12 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Mon, 11th Nov 24, 14:15 - 16:00 |
Der Gorilla-Effekt: Warum erwachsenen Fremd- und Zweitsprachlernenden auch scheinbar Offensichtliches entgeht (Ringvorlesung: Sprachkompetenzen im Lebensverlauf)
Lecturer(s): Karin Madlener-Charpentier (Giessen) Contact: Heike Behrens Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 115, Universität Basel, Petersplatz 1 4051 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Mon, 11th Nov 24, 10:15 - 11:45 |
Gastvortrag "Madrid y su población inmigrante: el proyecto INMIGRA y el ejemplo de los ecuatorianos en Madrid"
Lecturer(s): María Sancho Pascual Contact: Sandra Schlumpf-Thurnherr |
Basel-Online |
Thu, 7th Nov 24, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Marcos Herrera, Lima: CANCELLED! (Language, Communication & Cognition)
Lecturer(s): Marcos Herrera Contact: Laura Schleicher Platz der Universität 3 79098 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
Wed, 6th Nov 24, 09:00 - 12:00 |
PhD Writing Group "Linguists Anonymous" – Social meeting
Contact: Isolde Bonnet Doktorandenlounge, Erbprinzenstrasse 12 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Tue, 5th Nov 24, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Gastvortrag "El Español de la Suiza francófona: corpus y estudios"
Lecturer(s): Elena Díez del Corral Contact: Oxana Danilova Maiengasse 51 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Mon, 4th Nov 24, 14:15 - 16:00 |
Studying abroad or immersion at home: What makes a good learning environment for Second Language Learning? (Ringvorlesung: Sprachkompetenzen im Lebensverlauf)
Lecturer(s): Zeynep Köylü (Basel) Contact: Heike Behrens Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 115, Universität Basel, Petersplatz 1 4051 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Mon, 4th Nov 24, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Gastvortrag "Sprachpolitiken und Sprachhaltungen im Kontext der Westsahara in der Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft"
Lecturer(s): Hannah Gasser Contact: Sandra Schlumpf-Thurnherr Maiengasse 51 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Sat, 2nd Nov 24, 11:15 - 12:45 |
Prof. Dr. Peter Auer, Freiburg: Die Zeit der Sprache (Samstags-Uni)
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Peter Auer Contact: Eva Steil M.A. KG I, HS 1010 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Thu, 31st Oct 24, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Christian Mair, Freiburg: National standard varieties of English and their enemies: Grammaticalisation, Americanisation, technologisation (Language, Communication & Cognition)
Lecturer(s): Christian Mair Contact: Laura Schleicher HS 1098, Kollegiengebäude I, Platz der Universität 3 Freiburg i.Br., Germany |
Freiburg |
Wed, 30th Oct 24, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Prof. Dr. Vladimir Polomac, Kragujevac: Digital Diachronic Corpus of the Serbian Language (Slavisches Seminar & DH Lab)
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Vladimir Polomac Contact: Prof. Dr. Achim Rabus Digital Humanities Lab, KG I, Raum 1026 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Wed, 30th Oct 24, 09:00 - 12:00 |
PhD Writing Group "Linguists Anonymous"
Contact: Isolde Bonnet Doktorandenlounge, Erbprinzenstrasse 12 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Mon, 28th Oct 24, 14:15 - 16:00 |
Reading and well-being: Shared Reading as a Mindfulness Practice (Ringvorlesung: Sprachkompetenzen im Lebensverlauf)
Lecturer(s): Moniek Kuijpers Contact: Heike Behrens Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 115, Universität Basel, Petersplatz 1 4051 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Fri, 25th Oct 24, |
HPSL-Day 2024
Contact: Team HPSL-Day 2024 Haus zur Lieben Hand (Löwenstraße 16), Großer Saal (1st flloor) Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Thu, 24th Oct 24, 16:15 - 19:00 |
Workshop "Tradurre i testi, tradurre la testualità: comunicazione ufficiale e nuove tecnologie"
Lecturer(s): Angela Ferrari, Jean-Luc Egger, Filippo Pecorari and others Contact: Angela Ferrari Kollegienhaus HS 116, Petersplatz 1 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Thu, 24th Oct 24, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Lars Konieczny, Freiburg: Large Language Models. What we can learn from them (Language, Communication & Cognition)
Lecturer(s): Lars Konieczny Contact: Laura Schleicher HS 1098, Kollegiengebäude I, Platz der Universität 3 Freiburg i.Br., Germany |
Freiburg |
Thu, 24th Oct 24, 14:00 - 14:15 |
Lecture series › Language, Communication & Cognition ‹
Contact: Laura Schleicher HS 1098, Kollegiengebäude I, Platz der Universität 3 Freiburg i.Br., Germany |
Freiburg |
Wed, 23rd Oct 24, 09:00 - 12:00 |
PhD Writing Group "Linguists Anonymous"
Contact: Isolde Bonnet Doktorandenlounge, Erbprinzenstrasse 12 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Mon, 21st Oct 24, 14:15 - 16:00 |
Gelesenes verstehen: Lesekompetenz – Konstrukt, Determinanten und Möglichkeiten der Intervention zur Verbesserung von Verstehensleistungen (Ringvorlesung: Sprachkompetenzen im Lebensverlauf)
Lecturer(s): Anke Schmitz (Brugg-Windisch) Contact: Heike Behrens Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 115, Universität Basel, Petersplatz 1 4051 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Mon, 21st Oct 24, 10:15 - 11:45 |
Gastvortrag: "El proyecto PRESEEA y PRESEEA-Madrid"
Lecturer(s): María Sancho Pascual Contact: Dr. Cynthia Dermarkar, Dr. Philipp Dankel |
Basel-Online |
Thu, 17th Oct 24, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Hermann Paul Centrum: Mitgliederversammlung
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Uta Reinöhl Contact: Prof. Dr. Uta Reinöhl Universität Freiburg, Hörsaal 1224 (Kollegiengebäude I) Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
17th - 18th Oct 24 |
Workshop on asymmetric interactions and disabilities
Lecturer(s): Gitte Gitte Rasmussen and others Contact: Lorenza Mondada |
Basel |
Mon, 14th Oct 24, 14:15 - 16:00 |
Schöne neue Welt? Schreib-Kompetenzen nach dem KI-Turn (Ringvorlesung: Sprachkompetenzen im Lebensverlauf)
Lecturer(s): Mirjam Weder (Basel) Contact: Heike Behrens Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 115, Universität Basel, Petersplatz 1 4051 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
10th - 11th Oct 24 |
Entre lo social y lo digital Encuentro de Jóvenes Investigadores del Hispanismo Suizo 2024
Lecturer(s): José Luis Losada Palenzuela and others Contact: Sara Carreira Petersplatz 1 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Mon, 7th Oct 24, 14:15 - 16:00 |
The multimodal child: The role of interacting bodies in first language development (Ringvorlesung: Sprachkompetenzen im Lebensverlauf)
Lecturer(s): Aliyah Morgenstern (Paris) Contact: Heike Behrens Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 115, Universität Basel, Petersplatz 1 4051 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Mon, 30th Sep 24, 14:15 - 16:00 |
Kommunikative Kernkompetenzen: Erwerb, Ausdifferenzierung und Verlust (Ringvorlesung: Sprachkompetenzen im Lebensverlauf)
Lecturer(s): Stefan Pfänder (Freiburg) Contact: Heike Behrens Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 115, Universität Basel, Petersplatz 1 4051 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Mon, 23rd Sep 24, 14:15 - 16:00 |
Sprachlich herausgefordert? Sprache(n) lernen als lebenslanger Prozess (Ringvorlesung: Sprachkompetenzen im Lebensverlauf)
Lecturer(s): Heike Behrens (Basel) Contact: Heike Behrens Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 115, Universität Basel, Petersplatz 1 4051 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Mon, 23rd Sep 24, |
Ringvorlesung: Sprachkompetenzen im Lebensverlauf
Lecturer(s): Heike Behrens Contact: Heike Behrens Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 115, Universität Basel, Petersplatz 1 4051 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
9th - 12th Sep 24 |
Fachtagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft: The Speakers of Indo-European and their World 150 years of Indo-European studies in Basel
Contact: Dr. Cynthia Dermarkar, Dr. Philipp Dankel Universität Basel, Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 102 und 118 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
22nd - 27th Jul 24 |
ISLE Summer School 2024
Contact: Event email address Englisches Seminar Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
20th - 21st Jul 24 18:00 - 00:00 |
Museumsnacht: Zur Sprache kommen
Contact: Prof. Dr. Uta Reinöhl Uniseum, Bertoldstr. 17, Freiburg 79085 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Fri, 19th Jul 24, 10:15 - 11:45 |
Eric Ekembe (University College of Education, Yaoundé): Pathways to undoing epistemic injustice in English language education in Cameroon (Language, Communication & Cognition)
Lecturer(s): Eric Ekembe Contact: Prof. Dr. Uta Reinöhl Universitätsstraße 5, Erdgeschoss, Raum 2 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Wed, 17th Jul 24, 16:30 - 18:00 |
Workshop by Dr. Mario Soto Rodriguez (Freiburg): Southern Quechua basic language course (6)
Lecturer(s): Mario Soto Rodriguez Contact: Mario Soto Rodriguez Hermann-Herder-Str. 9, Raum 00003a Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Fri, 12th Jul 24, |
Workshop: How much is too much? (Emmy Noether Group "Non-hierarchicality")
Lecturer(s): Stefan Schnell, Pavel Ozerov, Maya Inbar Contact: Naomi Peck Uni Freiburg, KG I, Hörsaal 1034 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Thu, 11th Jul 24, 18:00 - 19:30 |
Petra Schumacher (Köln): The Future of Experimental Pragmatics (Hermann-Paul-Vorlesung 2024)
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Petra Schumacher Contact: Prof. Dr. Uta Reinöhl Haus zur Lieben Hand, Großer Saal Löwenstr. 16, Freiburg , |
Freiburg |
Thu, 11th Jul 24, 16:30 - 17:30 |
Guided Tour of Exhibition "Zur Sprache Kommen: Forschung zu bedrohten Sprachen sichtbar gemacht"
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Uta Reinöhl Contact: Prof. Dr. Uta Reinöhl Uniseum, Bertoldstr. 17, Freiburg 79085 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Thu, 11th Jul 24, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Fiona Gehring (Freiburg): Les néo-locuteurs et néo-locutrices en France et en Espagne (Romanistische Linguistik, Master- und Doktorand*innen-Kolloquium)
Lecturer(s): Fiona Gehring Contact: Laura Schleicher , |
Freiburg-Online |
Wed, 10th Jul 24, 16:30 - 18:00 |
Workshop by Dr. Mario Soto Rodriguez (Freiburg): Southern Quechua basic language course (5)
Lecturer(s): Mario Soto Rodriguez Contact: Mario Soto Rodriguez Hermann-Herder-Str. 9, Raum 00003a Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Thu, 4th Jul 24, 12:15 - 13:45 |
Dr. Vladimir Neumann (Berlin): Arbeiten mit slawistischen Texten als DataFrame
Lecturer(s): Dr. Vladimir Neumann Contact: Dr. Anna Jouravel , |
Freiburg-Online |
Wed, 3rd Jul 24, 16:30 - 18:00 |
Workshop by Dr. Mario Soto Rodriguez (Freiburg): Southern Quechua basic language course (4)
Lecturer(s): Mario Soto Rodriguez Contact: Mario Soto Rodriguez Hermann-Herder-Str. 9, Raum 00003a Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Fri, 28th Jun 24, 10:15 - 11:45 |
Dr. Katharina Ehret (Universität Freiburg): Contact and complexity in L2 varieties of English (Language, Communication & Cognition)
Lecturer(s): Dr. Katharina Ehret Contact: Prof. Dr. Uta Reinöhl Universitätsstraße 5, Erdgeschoss, Raum 2 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
28th - 29th Jun 24 |
Kongress: "El español en África: en pasado, presente y futuro"
Lecturer(s): See Program Contact: Sandra Schlumpf-Thurnherr, Sara Carreira Maiengasse 51, Sala 0105 4056 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Thu, 27th Jun 24, 18:00 - 19:00 |
Museum für Neue Kunst (Freiburg): Gespräch – Sprachwelten
Lecturer(s): Alison Sauer Contact: Dr. Christine Litz Museum für Neue Kunst, Marienstr. 10 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Thu, 27th Jun 24, 16:30 - 18:00 |
Workshop by Dr. Mario Soto Rodriguez (Freiburg): Southern Quechua basic language course (3)
Lecturer(s): Mario Soto Rodriguez Contact: Mario Soto Rodriguez Hermann-Herder-Str. 9, Raum 00003a Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Thu, 27th Jun 24, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Dr. Claus Pusch (Freiburg): Interrogativformate in fiktionaler Mündlichkeit (Romanistische Linguistik, Master- und Doktorand*innen-Kolloquium)
Lecturer(s): Claus Pusch Contact: Laura Schleicher Universität Freiburg, KG I, HS 1273 (Zugang durch die Bibliothek des Romanischen Seminars) , |
Freiburg |
Tue, 25th Jun 24, 16:15 - 17:45 |
Dr. Siegwalt Lindenfelser (IDS Mannheim): Sprache und Kolonialismus
Lecturer(s): Dr. Siegwalt Lindenfelser Contact: Lena Aristarkhova-Schmidtkunz , |
Freiburg-Online |
Tue, 25th Jun 24, 10:15 - 12:00 |
Dr. Joseph Farquharson (University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica): Global creole
Lecturer(s): Dr. Joseph Farquharson Contact: Dr. Cynthia Dermarkar, Dr. Philipp Dankel KG III, HS 3044 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Fri, 21st Jun 24, 10:15 - 11:45 |
Sandra Auderset (Universität Bern): Towards a diachronic account of grammatical tone in Mixtec (Language, Communication & Cognition)
Lecturer(s): Sandra Auderset Contact: Prof. Dr. Uta Reinöhl Universitätsstraße 5, Erdgeschoss, Raum 2 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Thu, 20th Jun 24, 16:30 - 18:00 |
Workshop by Dr. Mario Soto Rodriguez (Freiburg): Southern Quechua basic language course (2)
Lecturer(s): Mario Soto Rodriguez Contact: Mario Soto Rodriguez Hermann-Herder-Str. 9, Raum 00003a Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Thu, 20th Jun 24, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Marinus Wiedner & Matthias Schöffel: Genuswandel von Latein zu Altokzitanisch (Romanistische Linguistik, Master- und Doktorand*innen-Kolloquium)
Lecturer(s): Wiedner & Schöffel Contact: Laura Schleicher Universität Freiburg, KG I, HS 1273 (Zugang durch die Bibliothek des Romanischen Seminars) , |
Freiburg |
Thu, 13th Jun 24, 16:30 - 18:00 |
Workshop by Dr. Mario Soto Rodriguez (Freiburg): Southern Quechua basic language course (1)
Lecturer(s): Mario Soto Rodriguez Contact: Mario Soto Rodriguez Hermann-Herder-Str. 9, Raum 00003a Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
13th - 17th Jun 24 16:30 - 18:00 |
Grundkurs Südliches Quechua – Southern Quechua basic language course (Dr. Mario Soto Rodriguez, Freiburg)
Lecturer(s): Dr. Mario Soto Rodriguez Contact: Dr. Mario Soto Rodriguez Hermann-Herder-Str. 9, Raum 00003a Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
13th - 25th Jun 24 |
Zur Sprache kommen: Forschung zu bedrohten Sprachen sichtbar gemacht (Ausstellung)
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Uta Reinöhl Contact: Hilfskräfte Linguistik Uniseum, Bertoldstr. 17, Freiburg 79085 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Thu, 6th Jun 24, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Nicolas Gignac: Étude lexico-sémantique et historique de l'émergence de la notion de pluralité sémantique (Romanistische Linguistik – Master- und Doktorand*innen-Kolloquium)
Lecturer(s): Nicolas Gignac Contact: Laura Schleicher Universität Freiburg, KG I, HS 1273 (Zugang durch die Bibliothek des Romanischen Seminars) , |
Freiburg |
Fri, 31st May 24, 10:00 - 12:00 |
Third Session: Doctoral colloquium FS24 "Inbreaths as instructed actions in Yoga"
Lecturer(s): Guillaume Gauthier and Sofian Bouaouina Contact: Dr. Cynthia Dermarkar, Dr. Philipp Dankel (tba) tba, Switzerland |
Basel |
Fri, 17th May 24, 14:00 - 16:00 |
Second Session: Doctoral colloquium FS24: "The role of language in the delivery, perception, and resistance of microaggressions" and "Variations in Albanian plural formations"
Lecturer(s): Irene Inoue and Gerard Spaans Contact: Dr. Cynthia Dermarkar, Dr. Philipp Dankel (tba) tba, Switzerland |
Basel |
Tue, 14th May 24, 14:00 - 16:00 |
Gastvortrag: "Metaphors: A Historical Perspective" (Dr. Kathryn Allan)
Lecturer(s): Dr. Kathryn Allan Contact: Julia Landmann Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Mon, 13th May 24, |
Gastvortrag: "How lexical meaning evolves. Methods and models of reconstructing the change patterns of semantic categories" (Prof. Dr. Gerd Carling)
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Gerd Carling Contact: Michiel de Vaan (Fachbereich Historisch-vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft) Universität Basel, Schnitz (Rosshofgasse, S 01) Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Fri, 10th May 24, 10:15 - 11:45 |
Philipp Bayerschmidt and Dr. Dennis Möbius (FernUni Hagen): From Corpus to Chronology (Language, Communication & Cognition)
Lecturer(s): Philipp Bayerschmidt & Dennis Möbius Contact: Prof. Dr. Uta Reinöhl Universitätsstraße 5, Erdgeschoss, Raum 2 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Wed, 8th May 24, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Dr. hab. Anna Jopek-Bosiacka (Warsaw): Legal Texts, Legal Terminology and Legal Translation (Slavistisches Kolloquium online)
Lecturer(s): Anna Jopek-Bosiacka Contact: Prof. Dr. Achim Rabus , |
Freiburg-Online |
Fri, 3rd May 24, 10:15 - 11:45 |
Elena Smirnova (Universität Neuchâtel): Diachronic dynamics of constructional networks (Language, Communication & Cognition)
Lecturer(s): Elena Smirnova Contact: Prof. Dr. Uta Reinöhl Universitätsstraße 5, Erdgeschoss, Raum 2 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
Thu, 2nd May 24, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Prof. Nigel Fabb (University of Strathclyde, Glasgow): The literary linguistic perspective and its implications for cognitive approaches to aesthetics (Kognitionswissenschaftliches Abteilungskolloquium)
Lecturer(s): Nigel Fabb Contact: Dr. habil. Rul von Stülpnagel Hebelstraße 10, Raum 03-013 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
Thu, 2nd May 24, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Prof. Dr. Sandro Sessarego (Austin, Texas/FRIAS): Proyectos de documentación y revitalización lingüística en el contexto afrolatino (Romanistisches Linguistik – Master- und Doktorand*innen-Kolloquium)
Lecturer(s): Sandro Sessarego Contact: Laura Schleicher Universität Freiburg, KG I, HS 1273 (Zugang durch die Bibliothek des Romanischen Seminars) , |
Freiburg |
Mon, 29th Apr 24, 12:00 - 14:00 |
Gastvortrag: "The Role of ELF in Relation to the Target Language: Managing Language Choices in the German as a Foreign Language Classroom" (Kristina Ehrsam)
Lecturer(s): Kristina Ehrsam Contact: Miriam Locher Englisches Seminar, Raum 11, Nadelberg 6 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Fri, 26th Apr 24, 15:30 - 17:00 |
Language Shift Discussion Group (Miriam Neuhausen & Maike Rocker)
Lecturer(s): Kevin Samejon Contact: Miriam Neuhausen , |
Freiburg-Online |
Fri, 26th Apr 24, 10:15 - 11:45 |
Göz Kaufmann (Freiburg): Die aspektuelle Markierung im Pomerano Brasiliens: Zum phrasenstrukturellen Aufstieg eines gerne verpönten Hilfsverbs (Language, Communication & Cognition)
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Göz Kaufmann Contact: Prof. Dr. Uta Reinöhl Universitätsstraße 5, Erdgeschoss, Raum 2 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Thu, 25th Apr 24, 14:00 - 15:00 |
First Session: Doctoral colloquium FS 24: "What is a well-written text?"
Lecturer(s): Zuzana Toth Contact: Dr. Cynthia Dermarkar, Dr. Philipp Dankel Englisches Seminar, Raum 25, Nadelberg 6 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Fri, 19th Apr 24, 10:15 - 11:45 |
Christian Mair (Freiburg): ChatGPT for linguists: Source of data and copilot for analysis (Language, Communication & Cognition)
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Christian Mair Contact: Prof. Dr. Uta Reinöhl Universitätsstraße 5, Erdgeschoss, Raum 2 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Thu, 18th Apr 24, 16:15 - 18:00 |
Gastvorlesung: "Vom Schreibknecht zum Schreibcoach? KI-Tools in geisteswissenschaftlichen Forschungsprozessen" (Prof. Dr. Martin Luginbühl & Dr. Mirjam Weder)
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Martin Luginbühl & Dr. Mirjam Weder Contact: Jean Terrier St. Johanns-Ring 19, 4056 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Wed, 17th Apr 24, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Vladimir Polomac (Kragujevac/Serbien): Serbian Early Printed Books from Venice: a Quantitative Approach to Orthographic Variation (Slavistisches Kolloquium)
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Vladimir Polomac Contact: Prof. Dr. Achim Rabus , |
Freiburg-Online |
Wed, 17th Apr 24, 14:00 - 16:00 |
Gastvortrag: "From second language learning to long-term retention: An overview of the LANGSNAP project" (Assoc. Prof. Nicole Tracy-Ventura)
Lecturer(s): Assoc. Prof. Nicole Tracy-Ventura Contact: Zeynep Köylü Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Tue, 16th Apr 24, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Christina Skelton (University of Texas at Austin): Towards a Grammar of Cypro-Minoan
Lecturer(s): Christina Skelton Contact: Prof. Dr. Uta Reinöhl Seminarraum, Belfortstraße 18 (Innenhof) Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Mon, 15th Apr 24, 13:15 - 17:00 |
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Altpreussisch
Lecturer(s): Michiel de Vaan (Fachbereich Historisch-vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft) und Jan Rüdiger (Fachbereich Mittelalter) Contact: Michiel de Vaan Hörsaal 103, Bernoullianium, Bernoullistrasse 32, 4056 Basel , |
Basel |
Wed, 10th Apr 24, 18:00 - 20:00 |
Buchvorstellung: "La comunicazione istituzionale durante la pandemia Il Ticino, con uno sguardo ai Grigioni"
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Angela Ferrari Contact: Filippo Pecorari Sala Auditorium BancaStato Viale H. Guisan 5 Bellinzona, Switzerland |
Basel |
Fri, 5th Apr 24, 09:00 - 17:30 |
Doktoratsveranstaltung: "Lavori in corso a Basilea. Ricerche dottorali in Linguistica italiana" (Prof. Dr. Angela Ferrari)
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Angela Ferrari Contact: Dr. Filippo Pecorari Universität Basel, Kollegienhaus, Raum 103, Aula Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
3rd - 5th Apr 24 |
Workshop: When strangers meet in multilingual public settings: bodies, spaces and participation
Lecturer(s): Elwys De Stefani, Lorenza Mondada and others, see program Contact: Lorenza Mondada Maiengasse 51 4051 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
20th - 22nd Mar 24 |
Workshop on Glossing and Translating
Lecturer(s): Marja-Leena Sorjonen Contact: Lorenza Mondada Maiengasse 51 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Mon, 18th Mar 24, 14:15 - 16:00 |
Gastvortrag: "Anger Metaphors in American English" (Prof. em. Zoltán Kövecses)
Lecturer(s): Prof. em. Zoltán Kövecses Contact: Julia Landmann Online Zoom, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Mon, 18th Mar 24, 10:15 - 12:00 |
Gastvortrag: "El color no es como lo pintan" (Prof. Romo Soria)
Lecturer(s): Prof. Romo Soria Contact: Alba García Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Thu, 14th Mar 24, 14:30 - 17:30 |
Doktoratsveranstaltung: Polifonie. Lingue diverse in un singolo paese, varietà diverse in una singola lingua, punti di vista diversi in un singolo testo (Prof. Dr. Angela Ferrari)
Lecturer(s): Angela Ferrari Contact: Angela Ferrari Maiengasse, Raum 104 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Thu, 14th Mar 24, 10:15 - 12:00 |
Forschungsseminar: Evolution und Emergenz von Sprache (Prof. Dr. Heike Behrens)
Lecturer(s): Heike Behrens Contact: Heike Behrens Rosshof (Schnitz), Sitzungsraum S 181 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
7th - 9th Mar 24 |
XIII. Deutscher Italianistiktag
Contact: Prof. Dr. Daniela Marzo Platz der Universität 3 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Thu, 29th Feb 24, 18:00 - 20:00 |
Italianità plurale
Lecturer(s): Matilde Gaggini Fontana (giornalista) e Nelly Valsangiacomo (Università di Losanna) Contact: Filippo Pecorari Universität Basel, Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 116 , |
Basel |
Wed, 21st Feb 24, 15:30 - 17:00 |
ISLE Online Forum
Lecturer(s): Tove Larsson, Stefan Th. Gries, Laura Janda Contact: Prof. Bernd Kortmann , |
Freiburg-Online |
Fri, 16th Feb 24, 10:15 - 11:45 |
Naomi Peck (Freiburg): Contribute to "Zur Sprache kommen: Visualising Research on Endangered Languages"! (Language, Communication & Cognition)
Lecturer(s): Naomi Peck Contact: Uta Reinöhl General Linguistics Department, Belfortstr. 18 2. OG Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Fri, 9th Feb 24, 10:15 - 11:45 |
James Costa (Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle): t.b.a. (Language, Communication & Cognition)
Lecturer(s): James Costa Contact: Uta Reinöhl Universität Freiburg, Hörsaal 1021 (Kollegiengebäude I) Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Fri, 2nd Feb 24, 15:30 - 17:00 |
Language Shift Discussion Group (Miriam Neuhausen & Maike Rocker)
Lecturer(s): Maya Abtahian Contact: Miriam Neuhausen , |
Fri, 2nd Feb 24, 10:15 - 11:45 |
Naomi Peck (Freiburg): Untangling complexity: bottom-up approaches to verb serialisation (Language, Communication & Cognition)
Lecturer(s): Naomi Peck Contact: Uta Reinöhl Universität Freiburg, Hörsaal 1021 (Kollegiengebäude I) Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Wed, 31st Jan 24, 08:30 - 10:00 |
Stanislav Mulik (Pennsylvania State University): Studying Mexican Indigenous bilingualism via psycholinguistic methods
Lecturer(s): Stanislav Mulik Contact: Dr. Cynthia Dermarkar, Dr. Philipp Dankel , |
Freiburg-Online |
Tue, 30th Jan 24, 18:00 - 19:00 |
Rosemary Tracy (Mannheim): Zum Eigenleben unserer Sprachen im Kopf (SPIGL)
Lecturer(s): Rosemary Tracy Contact: Dr. Diana Walther , |
Online |
Fri, 26th Jan 24, 10:15 - 11:45 |
Lotte Sommerer (Freiburg): /Go to church/ or /die in prison/: PPs with bare institutional nouns in the history of English (Language, Communication & Cognition)
Lecturer(s): Lotte Sommerer Contact: Prof. Uta Reinöhl Universität Freiburg, Hörsaal 1021 (Kollegiengebäude I) Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Thu, 25th Jan 24, 12:15 - 13:45 |
Diana Forker (Jena): Approaching word order in Georgian, Armenian and Russian: Combining Corpus- and Psycholinguistic Perspectives
Lecturer(s): Diana Forker Contact: Dr. Cynthia Dermarkar , |
Freiburg-Online |
Fri, 19th Jan 24, 16:15 - 17:45 |
Kirsten Culhane (Freiburg): t.b.a.
Lecturer(s): Kirsten Culhane Contact: Prof. Dr. Uta Reinöhl Seminarraum, Belfortstraße 18 (Innenhof) Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Fri, 19th Jan 24, 10:15 - 11:45 |
Carolin Müller-Spitzer & Samira Ochs (IDS Mannheim): Corpus-linguistic approaches to person reference (Language, Communication & Cognition)
Lecturer(s): Carolin Müller-Spitzer, Samira Ochs Contact: Uta Reinöhl Universität Freiburg, Hörsaal 1021 (Kollegiengebäude I) Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Fri, 12th Jan 24, 10:15 - 11:45 |
Marie Klatt (Freiburg): Kooperation in Nichtzustimmungen (Language, Communication & Cognition)
Lecturer(s): Marie Klatt Contact: Uta Reinöhl Universität Freiburg, Hörsaal 1021 (Kollegiengebäude I) Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Wed, 10th Jan 24, 17:30 - 19:30 |
Vortrag: "La punteggiatura, che spettacolo!" (Linguistica Italiana)
Contact: Filippo Pecorari Teatro di Locarno, Kursaal Locarno, Switzerland |
Basel |
Wed, 10th Jan 24, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Živka Koleva-Zlateva (Veliko Tărnovo/Freiburg): Applying Contemporary Linguistic Theories to Semantic Reconstruction (Slavistisches Kolloquium)
Lecturer(s): Živka Koleva-Zlateva Contact: Dr. Achim Rabus , |
Tue, 20th Dec 22, 18:15 - 19:45 |
Ignacio Satti, Freiburg: Affordances in the grammar-body interface. The multimodal design of assessments in Italian and German (Linguistisches Forschungskolloquium des Romanischen Seminars)
Lecturer(s): Ignacio Satti Contact: Marinus Wiedner Universität Freiburg, KG I, HS 1273 (Zugang durch die Bibliothek des Romanischen Seminars) , |
Freiburg |
Fri, 16th Dec 22, 10:15 - 11:45 |
Miriam Locher, Basel: "what does hyung mean please?”: From moments of teaching and learning about Korean (im)politeness to conflict negotiations among fan viewers on an online streaming platform of Korean TV drama (Language & Communication)
Lecturer(s): Miriam Locher Contact: Uta Reinöhl KG I, HS 1016 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Wed, 14th Dec 22, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Tetyana Krekhno, Charkiv/Freiburg: Die Konstruktion nationaler Identität in Dialekttexten der Russinen der Slowakei und Ungarns (Kolloquium für slavistische Linguistik)
Lecturer(s): Tetyana Krekhno Contact: Prof. Dr. Achim Rabus |
Freiburg-Online |
Mon, 12th Dec 22, 12:30 - 14:30 |
L’italiano istituzionale in Svizzera e in Italia. Prospettive e metodologie di ricerca
Contact: Linguistica italiana Università di Salerno - Campus Fisciano Edificio C - Aula SSC10 Salerno, Italy |
Fri, 9th Dec 22, 10:15 - 11:45 |
Christoph Rühlemann, Freiburg: Examining multimodality in interaction: Outlines of the Freiburg Multimodal Interaction Corpus (FreMIC) and interim results (Language, Communication & Cognition)
Lecturer(s): Christoph Rühlemann Contact: Uta Reinöhl KG I, HS 1016 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Tue, 6th Dec 22, 18:15 - 19:45 |
Wifek Bouaziz, Freiburg: Disalignment als Koordinationsressource in Joint Action: Am Beispiel der Transkription und Übersetzung eines Kera’a schamanischen Rituals (Linguistisches Forschungskolloquium des Romanischen Seminars)
Lecturer(s): Wifek Bouaziz Contact: Marinus Wiedner Universität Freiburg, KG I, HS 1273 (Zugang durch die Bibliothek des Romanischen Seminars) , |
Freiburg |
Tue, 6th Dec 22, 16:15 - 18:00 |
Kontrastive Medienlinguistik: Aktuelle Kriegsberichterstattung von Fernsehnachrichten im Vergleich (Ringvorlesung Sprache und Kommunikation: verbal, digital, multimodal)
Lecturer(s): Martin Luginbühl Contact: Heike Behrens Universität Basel, Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 120, Petersplatz 1 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Tue, 6th Dec 22, 13:00 - 14:00 |
Gastvortrag: The Dynamic Lexicon of English: A Socio-cognitive Approach to Loan Processes and Their Linguistic Effects (Dr. Julia Landmann)
Lecturer(s): Dr. Julia Landmann Contact: Kathrin Eckerth , |
Basel |
Mon, 5th Dec 22, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Gastvortrag: Lengua y cultura Quechua: de la pre-colonia a la modernidad (Dr. Mario Soto Rodríguez)
Lecturer(s): Dr. Mario Soto Rodríguez Contact: Dr. Philipp Dankel S 02 Rosshofgasse 2 (Schnitz) 4051 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Mon, 5th Dec 22, 11:00 - 12:30 |
Konferenz: L’invidiabile chiarezza dei testi ufficiali svizzeri. Riflessioni linguistiche e testuali tra metodi qualitativi e quantitativi (Prof. A. Ferrari / G. Piantanida, M.A.)
Lecturer(s): Prof. A. Ferrari / G. Piantanida, M.A. Contact: Dr. Cynthia Dermarkar, Dr. Philipp Dankel Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia, Via della Pergola 60, Sala “Pergola” Firenze, Italy |
Fri, 2nd Dec 22, 12:15 - 13:45 |
Gastvortrag: L'intrinseca dialogicità della lingua e del discorso (Prof. Emilia Calaresu)
Lecturer(s): Prof. Emilia Calaresu Contact: Filippo Pecorari Kollegienhaus, HS 115, Petersplatz, Basel Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Fri, 2nd Dec 22, 10:15 - 11:45 |
Vortragsreihe Language, Communication & Cognition
Contact: Uta Reinöhl KG I, HS 1016 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Wed, 30th Nov 22, 10:15 - 12:00 |
Gastvortrag: Context matters: how much and in what ways? (Prof. Carmen Muñoz)
Lecturer(s): Prof. Carmen Muñoz Contact: Zeynep Köylü Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Tue, 29th Nov 22, 18:15 - 19:45 |
Nicole Mazzetto, Freiburg: Die extrinsische Motivation der Phraseologismen (Linguistisches Forschungskolloquium des Romanischen Seminars)
Lecturer(s): Nicole Mazzetto Contact: Marinus Wiedner Universität Freiburg, KG I, HS 1273 (Zugang durch die Bibliothek des Romanischen Seminars) , |
Freiburg |
Tue, 29th Nov 22, 16:15 - 18:00 |
Kommunikative Praktiken in soziolinguistisch komplexen Kontexten: strukturelle und sprachideologische Einblicke in Äquatorialguinea und Gibraltar (Ringvorlesung Sprache und Kommunikation: verbal, digital, multimodal)
Lecturer(s): Sandra Schlumpf und Marta Rodríguez García Contact: Heike Behrens Universität Basel, Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 120, Petersplatz 1 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Tue, 29th Nov 22, 14:15 - 16:00 |
«It’s not about the money, money, money.» [Jessy J., Price Tag, 2011] Finanzierungsstrategien für Doktorate in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften
Lecturer(s): Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences Contact: Dr. Cynthia Dermarkar, Dr. Philipp Dankel Kollegienhaus, HS 115, Petersplatz, Basel Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Tue, 29th Nov 22, 09:00 - 12:00 |
PhD Writing Group in Freiburg
Contact: Dr. Mirka Honkanen Doktorandenlounge, Erbprinzenstrasse 12 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Mon, 28th Nov 22, 16:15 - 18:00 |
Gastvortrag: Politeness in the History of English: An Overview (Prof. Dr. Andreas H. Jucker)
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Andreas H. Jucker Contact: Kathrin Eckerth , |
Basel |
Fri, 25th Nov 22, 10:15 - 11:45 |
Eva Zehentner, Zürich: Verb-attached PPs in the history of English: Stability and change (Language, Communication & Cognition)
Lecturer(s): Eva Zehentner Contact: Uta Reinöhl KG I, HS 1016 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Fri, 25th Nov 22, 09:30 - 17:30 |
Konferenz "La comunicazione istituzionale in Ticino durante la pandemia"
Contact: Palazzo delle Orsoline, Bellinzona Bellinzona, Switzerland |
Basel |
Tue, 22nd Nov 22, 18:15 - 19:45 |
Marie Klatt, Freiburg: Freude am Streit. Kooperativität und Disalignierung in der Eltern-Kind-Spielinteraktion (Linguistisches Forschungskolloquium des Romanischen Seminars)
Lecturer(s): Marie Klatt Contact: Marinus Wiedner Universität Freiburg, KG I, HS 1273 (Zugang durch die Bibliothek des Romanischen Seminars) , |
Freiburg |
Tue, 22nd Nov 22, 16:15 - 18:00 |
Multimodale Interaktionsanalyse: Kreativität in Werbeagenturen (Ringvorlesung Sprache und Kommunikation: verbal, digital, multimodal)
Lecturer(s): Robert Reinecke Contact: Heike Behrens Universität Basel, Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 120, Petersplatz 1 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Fri, 18th Nov 22, 10:15 - 11:45 |
Simon Pröll, Freiburg: Variation und Wandel im Wolgadeutschen - quantitative Blicke auf die Entstehung von Dialektkontinua (Language, Communication & Cognition)
Lecturer(s): Simon Pröll Contact: Uta Reinöhl KG I, HS 1016 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Wed, 16th Nov 22, 16:00 - 18:00 |
Second session: Doctoral Colloquium HS22
Lecturer(s): Kristina Ehrsam & Antonia Vogler Contact: Dr. Cynthia Dermarkar, Dr. Philipp Dankel Raum 25 Englisches Seminar Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Wed, 16th Nov 22, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Viktorija Ryhovanova, Kyiv/Freiburg: Ethnolinguistic vitality and identity: the Ukrainian case (Kolloquium für slavistische Linguistik)
Lecturer(s): Viktorija Ryhovanova Contact: Prof. Dr. Achim Rabus |
Freiburg-Online |
Tue, 15th Nov 22, 16:15 - 18:00 |
Evaluation and Computer-Mediated Communication: Reddit as a case in point (Ringvorlesung Sprache und Kommunikation: verbal, digital, multimodal)
Lecturer(s): Thomas Messerli Contact: Heike Behrens Universität Basel, Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 120, Petersplatz 1 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Fri, 11th Nov 22, 10:15 - 11:45 |
Nikolaus Himmelmann, Köln: Constraints at the prosody-syntax interface: prosodic evidence for syntactic constructions? (Language, Communication & Cognition)
Lecturer(s): Nikolaus Himmelmann Contact: Uta Reinöhl Hörsaal 1016 (KG I) Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Tue, 8th Nov 22, 16:15 - 18:00 |
Multimodal Conversation Analysis: Exploring the interface between talk and the body (Ringvorlesung Sprache und Kommunikation: verbal, digital, multimodal)
Lecturer(s): Lorenza Mondada Contact: Heike Behrens Universität Basel, Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 120, Petersplatz 1 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Tue, 8th Nov 22, 09:00 - 12:00 |
PhD Writing Group in Freiburg
Contact: Dr. Mirka Honkanen Doktorandenlounge, Erbprinzenstrasse 12 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Mon, 7th Nov 22, 15:00 - 16:00 |
FRIAS: HUMSS – Project Group “Routinization in Language”
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Uta Reinöhl Contact: Prof. Dr. Uta Reinöhl Seminar room, Albertstrasse 19 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Mon, 7th Nov 22, 12:15 - 13:45 |
Gastvortrag: Interrogating the Colonial Legacy of Linguistics as a first step towards Decolonization (Dr. Gabriela Veronelli, Duke University)
Lecturer(s): Dr. Gabriela Veronelli Contact: Sandra Schlumpf-Thurnherr Maiengasse 51, R. 113 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Fri, 4th Nov 22, 10:15 - 11:45 |
Lars Bülow, LMU München: Variation und Wandel der Relativsatzeinleitung in Österreich und darüber hinaus. Eine horizontale und vertikale Perspektivierung (Language, Communication & Cognition)
Lecturer(s): Lars Bülow Contact: Uta Reinöhl KG I, HS 1016 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Tue, 1st Nov 22, 16:15 - 18:00 |
Formen und Funktionen metadiskursiver Praktiken in analogen und digitalen wissenschaftlichen Texten (Ringvorlesung Sprache und Kommunikation: verbal, digital, multimodal)
Lecturer(s): Mirjam Weder Contact: Heike Behrens Universität Basel, Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 120, Petersplatz 1 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Tue, 1st Nov 22, 13:00 - 14:00 |
Gastvortrag: Researching language and interaction in online gaming communities (Dr. Carolin Debray)
Lecturer(s): Carolin Debray Contact: Kathrin Eckerth , |
Basel |
Fri, 28th Oct 22, 13:00 - 15:00 |
Judith Beck, Freiburg: How to be (more) resilient during PhD
Lecturer(s): Judith Beck Contact: Hanna Mahler Aula, KG I Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Fri, 28th Oct 22, 10:00 - 12:00 |
Erik Schleef, Salzburg: Social meanings and the perception of feature clusters: On the co-occurrence of pragmatic markers with silent pauses
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Erik Schleef (zur Zeit FRIAS-Fellow) Contact: Hanna Mahler Aula, KG I Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Fri, 28th Oct 22, 09:30 - 18:00 |
HPSL Day 2022
Contact: Hanna Mahler Aula, KG I Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Thu, 27th Oct 22, 13:15 - 14:00 |
Digital Humanities, Textmining, Korpuslinguistik, linguistisches Labor: Die vielfältigen Forschungsressourcen der nationalen Technologieplattform LiRI
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Noah Bubenhofer Contact: Dr. Mirjam Weder , |
Basel |
Thu, 27th Oct 22, 10:15 - 12:00 |
Gastvortrag: Are first and second language acquisition “fundamentally different”? (Dr. Ewa Dąbrowska)
Lecturer(s): Dr. Ewa Dąbrowska (University of Erlangen) Contact: Kathrin Eckerth , |
Basel |
Thu, 27th Oct 22, 10:00 - 12:00 |
Gastvortrag: "Datengeleitete Korpuslinguistik zur Analyse von Diskursen und kommunikativen Praktiken" (Prof. Dr. Noah Bubenhofer)
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Noah Bubenhofer Contact: Mirjam Weder , |
Tue, 25th Oct 22, 16:15 - 18:00 |
Trilingual institutional communication in Switzerland: The place of Italian (Ringvorlesung Sprache und Kommunikation: verbal, digital, multimodal)
Lecturer(s): Angela Ferrari und Filippo Pecorari Contact: Heike Behrens Universität Basel, Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 120, Petersplatz 1 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Fri, 21st Oct 22, 10:15 - 11:45 |
Mitgliederversammlung des HPCL
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Uta Reinöhl Contact: Prof. Dr. Uta Reinöhl KG I, HS 1016 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Thu, 20th Oct 22, 10:15 - 12:00 |
Gastvortrag: What can usage data tell us about language change? (Prof. Dr. Martin Hilpert)
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Martin Hilpert (Université de Neuchâtel) Contact: Kathrin Eckerth , |
Basel |
Wed, 19th Oct 22, 10:15 - 12:00 |
Poster-Practice Doctoral colloquium HS22
Lecturer(s): Sarah Faidt & Marta Rodriguez Garcia Contact: Dr. Cynthia Dermarkar, Dr. Philipp Dankel Spalenberg 65 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Tue, 18th Oct 22, 16:15 - 18:00 |
-ENTFÄLLT- Kommunikation im Berufsalltag: Digitalisierungsprozesse von Patientenakten im multiprofessionellen Team (Ringvorlesung Sprache und Kommunikation: verbal, digital, multimodal)
Lecturer(s): Ina Pick Contact: Heike Behrens Universität Basel, Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 120, Petersplatz 1 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Tue, 18th Oct 22, 09:00 - 12:00 |
PhD Writing Group in Freiburg
Contact: Dr. Mirka Honkanen Erbprinzenstraße 12 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Mon, 17th Oct 22, 12:15 - 13:45 |
Gastvortrag: Postcolonial linguistics: A perspective from within (PD Dr. Eric Anchimbe, Universität Bayreuth)
Lecturer(s): PD Dr. Eric Anchimbe Contact: Sandra Schlumpf-Thurnherr , |
Basel |
Tue, 11th Oct 22, 16:15 - 18:00 |
Empirical literary studies: The study of absorbed reading on online social reading platforms (Ringvorlesung Sprache und Kommunikation: verbal, digital, multimodal)
Lecturer(s): Moniek Kuijpers Contact: Heike Behrens Universität Basel, Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 120, Petersplatz 1 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Tue, 4th Oct 22, 16:15 - 18:00 |
Intercultural communication in a globalized world (Ringvorlesung Sprache und Kommunikation: verbal, digital, multimodal)
Lecturer(s): Carolin Debray Contact: Heike Behrens Universität Basel, Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 120, Petersplatz 1 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Tue, 4th Oct 22, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Gastvortrag: Survival, variation and extinction of Portuguese (and Spanish) language among the Portuguese New Christian diaspora in Western Europe (Prof. Peter Nahon, Université de Neuchâtel)
Lecturer(s): Prof. Peter Nahon, Université de Neuchâtel Contact: Prof. Harm den Boer Maiengasse 51, R. 113 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Tue, 27th Sep 22, 16:15 - 18:00 |
Interpersonal pragmatics: Communicating relational meaning (Ringvorlesung Sprache und Kommunikation: verbal, digital, multimodal)
Lecturer(s): Miriam Locher Contact: Heike Behrens Universität Basel, Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 120, Petersplatz 1 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Tue, 20th Sep 22, 16:15 - 18:00 |
Ringvorlesung: Sprache und Kommunikation: verbal, digital, multimodal
Lecturer(s): Heike Behrens Contact: Heike Behrens Universität Basel, Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 120, Petersplatz 1 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Tue, 20th Sep 22, 16:15 - 18:00 |
Einführung: Spezifika der menschlichen Sprach- und Kommunikationsfähigkeit: Einführung in die Ringvorlesung (Ringvorlesung Sprache und Kommunikation: verbal, digital, multimodal)
Lecturer(s): Heike Behrens Contact: Heike Behrens Universität Basel, Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 102, Petersplatz 1 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Thu, 8th Sep 22, 10:00 - 17:00 |
Summer Writing Group
Contact: Marta Rodríguez García & Sarah Faidt Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Thu, 1st Sep 22, 10:00 - 17:00 |
Summer Writing Group
Contact: Marta Rodríguez García & Sarah Faidt Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Thu, 25th Aug 22, 10:00 - 17:00 |
Summer Writing Group
Contact: Marta Rodríguez García & Sarah Faidt Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
22nd - 23rd Aug 22 |
Workshop «L1/L2 Development in Longitudinal Designs: Dynamic-Usage Based Models of Analysis»
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Wander Lowie, Prof. Dr. Marjolijn Verspoor (University of Groningen) Contact: Zeynep Köylü (English Department) & Sarah Faidt (German Department) University of Basel Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Thu, 18th Aug 22, 10:00 - 17:00 |
Summer Writing Group
Contact: Marta Rodríguez García & Sarah Faidt Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Thu, 11th Aug 22, 10:00 - 17:00 |
Summer Writing Group
Contact: Marta Rodríguez García & Sarah Faidt Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Thu, 4th Aug 22, 10:00 - 17:00 |
Summer Writing Group
Contact: Marta Rodríguez García & Sarah Faidt Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Fri, 29th Jul 22, 10:15 - 11:45 |
Daniela Marzo, Freiburg: Zum Sardischen von morgen (Language & Communication)
Contact: Uta Reinöhl Basler Tor, Raum 205 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Fri, 29th Jul 22, 10:15 - 11:45 |
Andreas Baumann, Wien: What epidemiology tells us about the relationship between lexical acquisition and change (Language & Communication)
Contact: Uta Reinöhl Basler Tor, Raum 205 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Thu, 28th Jul 22, 10:00 - 17:00 |
Summer Writing Group
Contact: Marta Rodríguez García & Sarah Faidt Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Fri, 22nd Jul 22, 10:15 - 11:45 |
Hermann Paul Lecture: Prof. Dr. Hans-Jörg Schmid (LMU) on “There is nothing quite so practical as a good theory” (Kurt Lewin). Does this also apply to linguistic theory?
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Hans-Jörg Schmid (LMU) Contact: Prof. Dr. Uta Reinöhl , |
Thu, 21st Jul 22, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Arealtypologischer Sprachatlas von Misiones: Werkstattbericht
Lecturer(s): Joachim Steffen (Augsburg) Contact: Nicole Mazzetto Peterhof, Hörsaal 3 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Thu, 21st Jul 22, 13:00 - 16:00 |
PhD Writing Group in Freiburg – live!
Contact: Dr. Mirka Honkanen Erbprinzenstraße 12 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Thu, 21st Jul 22, 10:00 - 17:00 |
Summer Writing Group
Contact: Marta Rodríguez García & Sarah Faidt Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Wed, 20th Jul 22, 16:15 - 17:45 |
Nebeneinander, auseinander, durcheinander? Ordnungsprinzipien in Sprache, Sprachen und Sprachwissenschaft
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Uta Reinöhl Contact: Prof. Dr. Uta Reinöhl KG III, HS 3044 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Tue, 19th Jul 22, 09:00 - 11:00 |
Einführung in R – im Rahmen des UB-Aktionstags „Back to Campus"
Lecturer(s): Kyla McConnell & Julia Müller Contact: Kyla McConnell Platz der Universität 2 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Mon, 18th Jul 22, 08:30 - 10:30 |
Linguistisches Frühstück: Designing an effective poster
Lecturer(s): Naomi Peck Contact: Dr. Cynthia Dermarkar Albertstraße 19 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Fri, 15th Jul 22, 10:15 - 11:45 |
Kilu von Prince, Düsseldorf: Word units in the Oceanic predicate complex (Language & Communication)
Contact: Uta Reinöhl Basler Tor, Raum 205 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
15th - 16th Jul 22 |
Abschlusskonferenz Diversity in Language and Cognition
Lecturer(s): Evelyn Ferstl, Adriana Hanulíková, Alice Blumenthal-Dramé, Anelis Kaiser Contact: Sven Maurer Seminar room, Albertstrasse 19 Freiburg, Germany |
Thu, 14th Jul 22, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Passiv und Prominenz
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Marco G. Garcia (Köln) Contact: Nicole Mazzetto Peterhof, Hörsaal 3 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Thu, 14th Jul 22, 10:00 - 17:00 |
Summer Writing Group
Contact: Marta Rodríguez García & Sarah Faidt Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Fri, 8th Jul 22, 10:15 - 11:45 |
Steffen Heidinger, Graz: Fokusaffinität. Neue Erkenntnisse, neue Herausforderungen (Language & Communication)
Contact: Uta Reinöhl Basler Tor, Raum 205 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Thu, 7th Jul 22, 10:00 - 17:00 |
Summer Writing Group
Contact: Marta Rodríguez García & Sarah Faidt Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Wed, 6th Jul 22, 20:15 - 21:45 |
Der Körper spricht (mit)! Aktuelle Befunde in der linguistischen Gesprächsforschung
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Stefan Pfänder Contact: Prof. Dr. Stefan Pfänder KG I, HS 1010 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Fri, 1st Jul 22, 10:15 - 11:45 |
Language & Communication: What epidemiology tells us about the relationship between lexical acquisition and change
Lecturer(s): Andreas Baumann, Wien Contact: Uta Reinöhl Breisacher Tor, Raum 205 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Thu, 30th Jun 22, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Variation von Relativsatzkomplementierern (en el que - en que - que - donde) im Yukatekischen Spanisch
Lecturer(s): Melanie Uth Contact: Nicole Mazzetto Peterhof, Hörsaal 3 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Thu, 30th Jun 22, 10:00 - 17:00 |
Summer Writing Group
Contact: Marta Rodríguez García & Sarah Faidt Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Fri, 24th Jun 22, 10:15 - 11:45 |
Language & Communication: Gendern unter soziolinguistischer Perspektive
Lecturer(s): Helga Kotthoff, Freiburg Contact: Uta Reinöhl Basler Tor, Raum 205 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Thu, 23rd Jun 22, 13:00 - 16:00 |
PhD Writing Group in Freiburg – live!
Contact: Dr. Mirka Honkanen Erbprinzenstraße 12 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Thu, 23rd Jun 22, 10:00 - 17:00 |
Summer Writing Group
Contact: Marta Rodríguez García & Sarah Faidt Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Wed, 22nd Jun 22, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Kolloquium slavistische Linguistik: Can a linguistic corpus of Croatian medieval texts be useful in researching historical dialectology?
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Sanja Zubčić Contact: Prof. Dr. Achim Rabus , |
Freiburg-Online |
21st - 24th Jun 22 |
Advancing Multimodal Conversation Analysis
Lecturer(s): Anita Pomerantz (Albany, US), John Heritage (UCLA, US), Aug Nishizaka (Chiba, JP), and Jeffrey Robinson (Portland, US) Contact: Lorenza Mondada und Philipp Hänggi Universität Basel Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Mon, 20th Jun 22, 15:00 - 16:00 |
Patterns of variation in language processing and learning
Lecturer(s): JunProf. Dr. Adriana Hanuliková Contact: FRIAS Event Team , |
13th - 20th Jun 22 10:00 - 15:00 |
Einführungskurs in das Statistikpaket SPSS
Lecturer(s): lic. phil. Marina Haller (Psychologisches Institut, Universität Zürich) Contact: Sara Carreira Maiengasse 51 4056 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Wed, 8th Jun 22, 18:15 - 19:00 |
Einführungsvortrag: "Worthandel und Sprachwandel in der Geschichte Europas"
Lecturer(s): Dr. Michiel de Vaan Contact: Dr. Cynthia Dermarkar, Dr. Philipp Dankel Aula des Naturhistorischen Museums Basel, Augustinergasse 2 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Thu, 2nd Jun 22, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Los gestos asociados a las perífrasis verbales españolas
Lecturer(s): Magdalena Rosková Contact: Nicole Mazzetto Peterhof, Hörsaal 3 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Thu, 2nd Jun 22, 13:00 - 16:00 |
PhD Writing Group in Freiburg
Contact: Dr. Mirka Honkanen , |
Freiburg-Online |
Thu, 2nd Jun 22, 09:30 - 17:30 |
Writing Group Online
Contact: Sarah Faidt & Marta Rodríguez García Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Wed, 1st Jun 22, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Kolloquium slavistische Linguistik: Repräsentation des Konzepts ВОЛЯ in Dialekten der Ost- und Westukraine
Lecturer(s): Dr. Tetiana Krekhno Contact: Prof. Dr. Achim Rabus , |
Freiburg |
Wed, 25th May 22, 18:15 - 20:00 |
Tarde guineana - Impresiones de una estancia deinvestigación en Guinea Ecuatorial
Contact: Sandra Schlumpf-Thurnherr & Sara Carreira Raum O105, Seminar für Iberoromanistik, Maiengasse 51, Basel , |
Basel |
Mon, 23rd May 22, 16:15 - 18:00 |
Gastvortrag: "¿Se puede inventar un Lenguaje Inclusivo? Les hablantes, las normas y el cambio social"
Lecturer(s): Julia Zullo Contact: Melanie Würth Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Fri, 20th May 22, 12:15 - 13:45 |
Guest Lecture: "Self-praise speech act: corpus-based approach"
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Daria Dayter Contact: Dr. Cynthia Dermarkar, Dr. Philipp Dankel Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Fri, 20th May 22, 10:15 - 11:45 |
Language & Communication: Parts of speech — a morphology-based typology
Lecturer(s): Walter Bisang, Mainz Contact: Uta Reinöhl Basler Tor, Raum 205 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Thu, 19th May 22, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Die Verarbeitung von N Prep N Konstruktionen in den romanischen Sprachen - Eine Eye-Tracking Studie
Lecturer(s): Inga Hennecke (Tübingen) Contact: Nicole Mazzetto Peterhof, Hörsaal 3 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Thu, 19th May 22, 09:30 - 17:00 |
Writing Group Online
Contact: Sarah Faidt und Marta Rodríguez García Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Thu, 12th May 22, 17:00 - 20:00 |
diss:kurs 2022
Contact: Dr. Cynthia Dermarkar, Dr. Philipp Dankel Kaisersaal Theater Fauteuil/Tabourettli, Spalenberg 12 4051 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Thu, 12th May 22, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Ablehnen und Aushandeln: Die Entwicklung der kindlichen Nicht-Zustimmung in der freien und instruktionellen Spielinteraktionen
Lecturer(s): Marie Klatt Contact: Nicole Mazzetto Peterhof, Hörsaal 3 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Thu, 12th May 22, 09:30 - 17:00 |
Writing Group Online
Contact: Sarah Faidt und Marta Rodríguez García Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Wed, 11th May 22, 14:15 - 16:00 |
Guest Lecture: "The role of learners' classroom emotions in Foreign language learning"
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Jean-Marc Dewaele Contact: Dr. Cynthia Dermarkar, Dr. Philipp Dankel Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Fri, 6th May 22, 10:15 - 11:45 |
Language & Communication: Zwischen Exotismus und Missionarslinguistik
Lecturer(s): Uli Reich Contact: Uta Reinöhl Breisacher Tor, Raum 205 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Thu, 5th May 22, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Zitationsweisen als juristische Diskurstraditionen
Lecturer(s): Jonas Wieschollek Contact: Nicole Mazzetto Peterhof Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Thu, 5th May 22, 13:00 - 16:00 |
PhD Writing Group in Freiburg
Contact: Dr. Mirka Honkanen , |
Freiburg-Online |
Mon, 2nd May 22, 08:30 - 10:30 |
Linguistisches Frühstück: Vom Nutzen "grauer" Publikationen (Arbeitspapiere...)
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Helga Kotthoff Contact: Dr. Cynthia Dermarkar , |
Fri, 29th Apr 22, 10:15 - 11:45 |
Language & Communication: Neue Drittmittelprojekte in Freiburg stellen sich vor
Lecturer(s): Achim Rabus, Uta Reinöhl Contact: Uta Reinöhl Basler Tor, Raum 205 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Fri, 29th Apr 22, |
Vortragsreihe Language & Communication. Programm Sommer 2022
Contact: Uta Reinöhl Basler Tor, Raum 205 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Thu, 28th Apr 22, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Polysemy, iconicity and idioms
Lecturer(s): Nicole Mazzetto Contact: Nicole Mazzetto Peterhof, Hörsaal 3 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Thu, 28th Apr 22, 09:00 - 17:00 |
Writing Group Präsenz
Contact: Sarah Faidt und Marta Rodríguez García Raum 25 Englisches Seminar Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Fri, 22nd Apr 22, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Kolloquium slavistische Linguistik: Syntactic variation in contemporary Croatian
Lecturer(s): Dr. Igor Marko Gligorić Contact: Prof. Dr. Achim Rabus , |
Freiburg-Online |
Mon, 11th Apr 22, 10:00 - 17:00 |
Emmy Noether Workshop: Non-Gram
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Uta Reinöhl Contact: Prof. Dr. Uta Reinöhl Werthmannstraße 4 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Thu, 7th Apr 22, 13:00 - 16:00 |
PhD Writing Group in Freiburg
Contact: Dr. Mirka Honkanen , |
Freiburg-Online |
Tue, 5th Apr 22, 13:00 - 14:00 |
Colloquium: Thomas Messerli: Screen-to-text: The pragmatics of subtitles, transcripts and written viewer comments.
Lecturer(s): Thomas Messerli Contact: Dr. Cynthia Dermarkar, Dr. Philipp Dankel , |
Basel |
28th - 29th Mar 22 09:00 - 18:15 |
Konferenz: "Forme della scrittura italiana contemporanea in prospettiva contrastiva. La componente testuale"
Contact: Filippo Pecorari Missionsstrasse 21 4055 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Tue, 22nd Mar 22, 17:15 - 18:45 |
Gastkonferenz: «Piedmontese as a Heritage Language in Argentina: structural and sociolinguistic issues» Prof. Eugenio Goria (Università degli studi di Torino, Italia)
Lecturer(s): Prof. Eugenio Goria (Università degli studi di Torino, Italia) Contact: Helene Marchand , |
Basel |
Thu, 17th Mar 22, 13:00 - 16:00 |
PhD Writing Group in Freiburg
Contact: Dr. Mirka Honkanen , |
Freiburg-Online |
Mon, 7th Mar 22, 15:00 - 16:00 |
English in Southeast Asia: Transcending National Boundaries
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Azirah Binti Hashim Contact: FRIAS Event Team Online Freiburg, Germany |
Tue, 1st Mar 22, 09:00 - 17:00 |
Colloque : Troubles de la parole et (dés)alignement
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Stefan Pfänder, Prof. Dr. Rudolph Sock (Strasbourg) Contact: Prof. Dr. Stefan Pfänder Online Freiburg, Strasbourg, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
Fri, 25th Feb 22, 09:00 - 12:00 |
PhD Writing Group in Freiburg
Contact: Dr. Mirka Honkanen , |
Freiburg-Online |
Thu, 24th Feb 22, 18:15 - 20:00 |
Dr. Paola Tiberii Autrice del Dizionario delle collocazioni Le combinazioni delle parole in italiano
Lecturer(s): Dr. Paola Tiberii Contact: Filippo Pecorari Aula Kollegienhaus, Petersplatz 1 4051 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Mon, 21st Feb 22, 15:00 - 16:00 |
Between Translation and Transliteration: Imagination and Racial Terminology in Yiddish
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Gil Ribak Contact: FRIAS Event Team Online Freiburg, Germany |
Thu, 10th Feb 22, 14:15 - 16:00 |
Diversity in Language and Cognition (7): Beyond WISPy languages and Native Speakers
Lecturer(s): Prof. Savithry Namboodiripad Contact: JProf.Dr. Adriana Hanulíková , |
Mon, 7th Feb 22, 15:00 - 16:00 |
Translations and Commentaries of the Qur’an among Tatars In Imperial Russia
Lecturer(s): Elmira Akhmetova Contact: FRIAS Event Team , |
Fri, 4th Feb 22, 09:00 - 12:00 |
PhD Writing Group in Freiburg
Contact: Dr. Mirka Honkanen , |
Freiburg-Online |
Thu, 3rd Feb 22, 14:15 - 16:00 |
Diversity in Language and Cognition (6): How individuals’ social networks shape their linguistic abilities
Lecturer(s): Prof. Shiri Lev-Ari Contact: JProf.Dr. Adriana Hanulíková , |
Tue, 1st Feb 22, 18:15 - 19:45 |
Negociación de significados en la interacción: autoridad epistémica gestual en los andes
Lecturer(s): Dr. Mario Soto Contact: Dr. Mario Soto HS 1265 und online Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
Fri, 28th Jan 22, 10:00 - 16:00 |
Workshop: Python coding basics (4)
Lecturer(s): Axel Bohmann Contact: Axel Bohmann Rempartstraße 15 79098 Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
Tue, 25th Jan 22, 18:15 - 19:45 |
nEIN; (.) MA:G nich;: Die Entwicklung der kindlichen Nicht-Zustimmung in der freien und instruktionellen Spielinteraktionen
Lecturer(s): Marie Klatt Contact: Daniel Muz HS 1265 und online Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
Mon, 24th Jan 22, 15:00 - 16:00 |
The take of linguistics on (religion-related) hate speech
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Bernd Kortmann Contact: FRIAS Event Team , |
Thu, 20th Jan 22, 14:15 - 16:00 |
Diversity in Language and Cognition (5): Stereotypes may help you when listening to speech
Lecturer(s): Prof. Holger Mitterer Contact: JProf.Dr. Adriana Hanulíková , |
19th - 20th Jan 22 16:00 - 19:00 |
Workshop: "Parentesi, incisi, piani parentetici nel parlato, con uno sguardo allo scritto / Parentheses, parenthetical elements, parenthetical levels in spoken language, with an eye to writing"
Contact: Filippo Pecorari , |
Basel |
Tue, 18th Jan 22, 18:15 - 19:45 |
Überlegungen zur funktionalen Schriftlichkeit französischer Seefahrtsexperten des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts
Lecturer(s): Laura Linzmeier Contact: Daniel Muz HS 1265 und online Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
Fri, 14th Jan 22, 09:00 - 12:00 |
PhD Writing Group in Freiburg
Contact: Dr. Mirka Honkanen , |
Freiburg-Online |
Thu, 13th Jan 22, 16:15 - 18:00 |
"Quantifizierung in der Gesprächsforschung" (Vortragsreihe Language & Communication)
Lecturer(s): Elisabeth Zima Contact: Uta Reinöhl ONLINE Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
Tue, 11th Jan 22, 18:15 - 19:45 |
Sprache und Kognition
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Daniela Marzo Contact: Daniel Muz HS 1265 und online Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
Fri, 7th Jan 22, 10:00 - 16:00 |
Workshop: Python coding basics (3)
Lecturer(s): Axel Bohmann Contact: Axel Bohmann Rempartstraße 15 79098 Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
Tue, 21st Dec 21, 18:15 - 19:45 |
Multidialectalism in conversation
Lecturer(s): Ignacio Satti Contact: Daniel Muz HS 1265 und online Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
Mon, 20th Dec 21, 15:00 - 16:00 |
Invented languages and dreams of unity in the Swedish labour movement
Lecturer(s): Dr. David Karlander Contact: FRIAS Event Team , |
Fri, 17th Dec 21, 09:45 - 17:15 |
Workshop: "Der Weg ist das Ziel – Constructing Paths in (L1 and L2) German"
Contact: Sarah Faidt , |
Basel |
Thu, 16th Dec 21, 16:15 - 18:00 |
"Blick und Sprache in der Interaktion - Forschungen aus dem mobilen eye-tracking-Labor" (Vortragsreihe Language & Communication)
Lecturer(s): Peter Auer Contact: Uta Reinöhl ONLINE Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
Thu, 16th Dec 21, 14:30 - 17:00 |
Gastvortrag: Lingua e tecnologia: strumenti per l'analisi quantitativa e qualitativa di corpora - Paolo Canavese (Université de Genève)
Lecturer(s): Paolo Canavese (Université de Genève) Contact: Filippo Pecorari Seminar für Italianistik, Aula U115, Maiengasse 51, 4056 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Thu, 16th Dec 21, 12:00 - 14:00 |
Gastvortrag: "The integration of frequency dimensions and lexicalization preferences in foreign language learning and teaching" - Sabine De Knop
Lecturer(s): Sabine de Knop Contact: Heike Behrens Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Tue, 14th Dec 21, 18:15 - 19:45 |
Okzitanischlernen in der Schule als Voraussetzung für die Revitalisierung?
Lecturer(s): Fiona Gehring Contact: Daniel Muz HS 1265 und online Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
Fri, 10th Dec 21, 14:00 - 17:00 |
Writing Group
Contact: Marta Rodriguez Garcia Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Fri, 10th Dec 21, 09:00 - 12:00 |
PhD Writing Group in Freiburg
Contact: Dr. Mirka Honkanen , |
Freiburg-Online |
Thu, 9th Dec 21, 16:15 - 18:00 |
"English, German, Pidgin: lingua-franca competition among Nigerian immigrants/sojourners in Germany" (Vortragsreihe Language & Communication)
Lecturer(s): Christian Mair Contact: Uta Reinöhl ONLINE Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
Thu, 9th Dec 21, 14:15 - 16:00 |
Diversity in Language and Cognition (4): Diversity in language: Impressions based on accent and ethnic appearance
Lecturer(s): Dr. Karoline Hansen Contact: JProf.Dr. Adriana Hanulíková , |
Wed, 8th Dec 21, 12:15 - 14:45 |
Panel Transkribus im Einsatz für die Forschung: Chancen und Herausforderungen
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Achim Rabus Contact: Dr. Cynthia Dermarkar, Dr. Philipp Dankel , |
Freiburg-Online |
Tue, 7th Dec 21, 18:15 - 19:45 |
Interaktion: Koordination, Kontextualisierung, & Kopartizipation
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Stefan Pfänder Contact: Daniel Muz HS 1265 und online Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
Tue, 7th Dec 21, 16:15 - 18:00 |
Medialität und Textualität: Mediale Affordanzen am Beispiel von Online-Zeitungen (Linguistik im digitalen Zeitalter)
Lecturer(s): Martin Luginbühl (Univ. Basel, Deutsches Seminar) Contact: Heike Behrens Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Fri, 3rd Dec 21, 10:00 - 16:00 |
Workshop: Python coding basics (2)
Lecturer(s): Axel Bohmann Contact: Axel Bohmann Rempartstraße 15 79098 Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
Thu, 2nd Dec 21, 16:15 - 17:45 |
HPSL Reading Group: Ethics in linguistics, research methods and academia
Lecturer(s): Marta Rodriguez & Sara Carreira Contact: Marta Rodriguez & Sara Carreira Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Thu, 2nd Dec 21, 16:15 - 18:00 |
"The Spread of World Languages: key factors and driving forces" (Vortragsreihe Language & Communication)
Lecturer(s): Bernd Kortmann Contact: Uta Reinöhl ONLINE Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
Wed, 1st Dec 21, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Kolloquium slavistische Linguistik: Slavische Verbalpräfixe im Romani
Lecturer(s): Dr. Anna-Maria Sonnemann Contact: Prof. Dr. Achim Rabus , |
Freiburg-Online |
Tue, 30th Nov 21, 16:15 - 17:45 |
Gastvortrag: "Doing Fieldwork in Linguistics: Methods & Data Collection (general and personal experience) - Prof. Dr. Armin Schwegler
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Armin Schwegler Contact: Sara Carreira & Marta Rodriguez Garcia Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Tue, 30th Nov 21, 16:15 - 18:00 |
Changed and unchanged views: A corpus of persuasive practices on the subreddit CMV (Ringvorlesung Linguistik im digitalen Zeitalter)
Lecturer(s): Thomas Messerli (Univ. Basel, Englisches Seminar) Contact: Heike Behrens Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Tue, 30th Nov 21, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Guest Lecture: "ELF as a Mediating Language in German Class"
Lecturer(s): Kristina Ehrsam, MA (University of Basel and Pädagogische Hochschule St. Gallen) Contact: Dr. Cynthia Dermarkar, Dr. Philipp Dankel Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Tue, 30th Nov 21, |
Workshop: “Fieldwork, Methodology and Data” - Day Two - Prof. Dr. Armin Schwegler
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Armin Schwegler Contact: Sara Carreria & Marta Rodriguez Garcia Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Thu, 25th Nov 21, 16:15 - 18:00 |
"Fragen Sie Ihren Arzt oder Apotheker! Psycholinguistische Studien zu gendersensibler Sprache" (Vortragsreihe Language & Communication)
Lecturer(s): Evelyn Ferstl Contact: Uta Reinöhl ONLINE Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
Wed, 24th Nov 21, 18:00 - 19:45 |
Workshop: “Fieldwork, Methodology and Data” - Day One - Prof. Dr. Armin Schwegler
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Armin Schwegler Contact: Sara Carreira & Marta Rodriguez Garcia Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Wed, 24th Nov 21, 16:15 - 17:45 |
Gastvortrag: "Reconstruction the origins of Latin America's Black Population" - Prof. Dr. Armin Schwegler
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Armin Schwegler Contact: Sara Carreira & Marta Rodriguez Garcia Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Tue, 23rd Nov 21, 16:15 - 18:00 |
"Were they not formal before?”: The pragmatics of fiction in translated relational work scenes of Korean TV drama and its uptake in timed comments (Ringvorlesung Linguistik im digitalen Zeitalter)
Lecturer(s): Miriam Locher (Univ. Basel, Englisches Seminar) Contact: Heike Behrens Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Thu, 18th Nov 21, 16:15 - 17:45 |
HPSL Reading Group: Contact-induced language change II
Lecturer(s): Marta Rodriguez & Sara Carreira Contact: Marta Rodriguez & Sara Carreira Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Thu, 18th Nov 21, 16:15 - 18:00 |
"Polaritätsfokus im Romanischen" (Vortragsreihe Language & Communication)
Lecturer(s): Daniel Jacob Contact: Uta Reinöhl Kollegiengebäude I, HS 1098 + online via Zoom Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
Tue, 16th Nov 21, 18:15 - 19:45 |
Informationsstruktur innerhalb von Nominalausdrücken
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Daniel Jacob Contact: Daniel Muz HS 1265 und online Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
Tue, 16th Nov 21, 16:15 - 18:00 |
«Leuchtraketen nützt auch nicht weil am Tag können sie das nicht sehen» Visualisierung und quantitative Analyse argumentativer Gespräche (Ringvorlesung Linguistik im digitalen Zeitalter)
Lecturer(s): Daniel Müller-Feldmeth (Univ. Basel, Deutsches Seminar) Contact: Heike Behrens Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
15th - 17th Nov 21 09:00 - 18:00 |
FRIAS Junior Researcher Conference: Human Perspectives on Spoken Human-Machine Interaction
Lecturer(s): See programme (below the description text or on the website) Contact: Sarah Warchhold Online Freiburg, Germany |
Thu, 11th Nov 21, 14:15 - 16:00 |
Diversity in Language and Cognition (3): Intersectionality as a sensitizing concept
Lecturer(s): Prof. Nina Degele & Dr. Andrea zur Nieden Contact: JProf.Dr. Adriana Hanulíková , |
Wed, 10th Nov 21, 16:15 - 17:45 |
Konferenz: "Un dilemma italiano: quale mediazione fra tradizione grammaticale, ricerca e prove nazionali di valutazione degli apprendimenti?"
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Maria G. Lo Duca (Università di Padova) Contact: Filippo Pecorari Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Tue, 9th Nov 21, 16:15 - 18:00 |
Einsatz computerlinguistischer Methoden in industriellen Softwarelösungen (Ringvorlesung Linguistik im digitalen Zeitalter)
Lecturer(s): Holger Keibel (Karakun AG Basel, Department Head "Language Analytics & Search Solutions") Contact: Heike Behrens Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Tue, 9th Nov 21, 14:15 - 16:00 |
Guest Lecture: "Creativity and emergent multilingual practices in ELF interactions: Transient International Groups (TIGs) in VOICE"
Lecturer(s): PD Dr. Marie-Luise Pitzl (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien) Contact: Prof. Dr. Miriam Locher Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Fri, 5th Nov 21, 10:00 - 16:00 |
Workshop: Python coding basics (1)
Lecturer(s): Axel Bohmann Contact: Axel Bohmann Rempartstraße 15 79098 Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
Thu, 4th Nov 21, 16:15 - 17:45 |
HPSL Reading Group: Contact-induced language change I
Lecturer(s): Marta Rodriguez & Sara Carreira Contact: Marta Rodriguez & Sara Carreira Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Thu, 4th Nov 21, 16:15 - 18:00 |
"The systematic contributions of substrates and lexifiers in creolization" (Vortragsreihe Language & Communication)
Lecturer(s): Susanne Michaelis Contact: Uta Reinöhl Kollegiengebäude I, HS 1098 + online via Zoom Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Wed, 3rd Nov 21, 10:15 - 11:45 |
Guest Lecture: "Demographic change and dialect levelling in southern England"
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. David Britain (University of Berne) Contact: Dr. Cynthia Dermarkar, Dr. Philipp Dankel Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Tue, 2nd Nov 21, 16:15 - 18:00 |
Sprache als Konstruktion: digitale Perspektiven und Herausforderungen (Ringvorlesung Linguistik im digitalen Zeitalter)
Lecturer(s): Alexander Ziem (Univ. Düsseldorf, Germanistik) Contact: Heike Behrens Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Tue, 2nd Nov 21, 13:00 - 14:00 |
Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in a Swiss context: The role of translanguaging and technicality in biology lessons taught in English (CLIL) and German (non-CLIL)
Lecturer(s): Dr. des. Aline Bieri, University of Basel, Switzerland Contact: Dr. des. Aline Bieri, University of Basel, Switzerland , |
Basel |
Mon, 1st Nov 21, 12:15 - 13:45 |
Konferenz: "La literatura de Guinea Ecuatorial: autoras y autores, obras y el tema de su (in)visibilidad"
Lecturer(s): Juan Riochí Siafá Contact: Prof. Dr. Sandra Schlumpf-Thurnherr Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Fri, 29th Oct 21, 10:00 - 17:30 |
HPSL Day 2021
Contact: Marta Rodriguez & Sarah Faidt University of Basel, Kollegienhaus (Petersgraben 50, Basel) Fakultätenzimmer 112, Regenzzimmer 111 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Thu, 28th Oct 21, 16:15 - 18:00 |
"Texas English dialectology: New digital approaches" (Vortragsreihe Language & Communication)
Lecturer(s): Axel Bohmann Contact: Axel Bohmann ONLINE Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
Thu, 28th Oct 21, 14:15 - 16:00 |
Diversity in Language and Cognition (2): Individual differences in first language acquisition
Lecturer(s): Prof. Evan Kidd Contact: JProf.Dr. Adriana Hanulíková , |
Tue, 26th Oct 21, 16:15 - 18:00 |
Corona, nichts als Corona? Auswirkungen der Pandemie auf den deutschen (Onlinepresse-)Wortschatz (Ringvorlesung Linguistik im digitalen Zeitalter)
Lecturer(s): Sascha Wolfer (Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim) Contact: Heike Behrens Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Thu, 21st Oct 21, 14:15 - 16:00 |
Diversity in Language and Cognition (1): Introduction
Lecturer(s): Ferstl, Kaiser, Blumenthal-Dramé, Hanulíková Contact: JProf.Dr. Adriana Hanulíková , |
Thu, 21st Oct 21, 10:00 - 13:00 |
Workshop: Der erste Antrag. Drittmitteleinwerbung für Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen
Lecturer(s): Dr. Julia Fischer, Dr. Björn Goldammer Contact: Dr. Julia Fischer ONLINE Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
Thu, 21st Oct 21, |
Vortragsreihe Language & Communication
Contact: Uta Reinöhl ONLINE Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
Thu, 21st Oct 21, |
Ringvorlesung: Diversity in language and cognition
Lecturer(s): JProf.Dr. Adriana Hanulíková Contact: JProf.Dr. Adriana Hanulíková , |
Tue, 19th Oct 21, 16:15 - 18:00 |
Kognitive Grundlagen des Sprachbegriffs im Konnektionismus (machine learning / deep learning) (Ringvorlesung Linguistik im digitalen Zeitalter)
Lecturer(s): Lars Konieczny (Univ. Freiburg i.Br., Kognitionswissenschaft) Contact: Heike Behrens Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
15th - 16th Oct 21 08:00 - 17:00 |
Workshop: EPICamp: Mobility, Migration, Multilingualism: Shaping European Identities and Languages Past and Present
Contact: EPICUR Team Freiburg ONLINE Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
Tue, 12th Oct 21, 16:15 - 18:00 |
«Sehr geehrter Herr Bundesrat» – Korpusbasierte Genre-Analyse am Beispiel von Vernehmlassungen (Ringvorlesung Linguistik im digitalen Zeitalter)
Lecturer(s): Mirjam Weder (Univ. Basel, Deutsches Seminar) Contact: Heike Behrens Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Mon, 11th Oct 21, 12:15 - 13:45 |
Konferenz: "Política lingüística postcolonial en Guinea Ecuatorial y la Academia Ecuatoguineana de la Lengua Española (AEGLE)"
Lecturer(s): Max Doppelbauer (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel Contact: Prof. Dr. Sandra Schlumpf-Thurnherr Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Thu, 7th Oct 21, 16:15 - 17:45 |
HPSL Reading Group: Language attitudes and ideologies
Lecturer(s): Marta Rodriguez & Sara Carreira Contact: Marta Rodriguez & Sara Carreira Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Tue, 5th Oct 21, 16:15 - 18:00 |
Wie man Literaturwissenschaft mit linguistischen Methoden betreiben kann (Ringvorlesung Linguistik im digitalen Zeitalter)
Lecturer(s): Gerhard Lauer (Univ. Basel, Digital Humanities / Univ. Mainz, Buchwissenschaft) Contact: Heike Behrens Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
4th - 5th Oct 21 09:00 - 17:15 |
Konferenz: Attorno alla Costituzione italiana e alla Costituzione svizzera in lingua italiana. Aspetti giuridici e linguistici
Contact: Filippo Pecorari Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Thu, 30th Sep 21, 16:15 - 17:45 |
HPSL Reading Group: Linguistics in the post-colonial era
Lecturer(s): Marta Rodriguez & Sara Carreira Contact: Marta Rodriguez & Sara Carreira Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Thu, 30th Sep 21, 09:30 - 17:00 |
Deutsch-französischer Begegnungstag für Promovierende in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften / Journée de rencontre franco-allemande pour doctorant.e.s en SHS
Contact: Theresa Ehret , |
Freiburg |
Tue, 28th Sep 21, 16:15 - 18:00 |
Digitale Erschließung und Analyse gesprochener Sprache (Ringvorlesung Linguistik im digitalen Zeitalter)
Lecturer(s): Thomas Schmidt (Univ. Basel, RISE-Koordinator/ Leibniz Institut für deutsche Sprache, Mannheim) Contact: Heike Behrens Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
27th - 28th Sep 21 12:00 - 17:00 |
Workshop: (Dis)-agreement und (dis-)alignment: positioning practices in specialized discourse from a construction grammar perspective
Lecturer(s): Mirjam Weder & Laurent Gautier Contact: Mirjam Weder , |
Basel |
Tue, 21st Sep 21, 16:15 - 18:00 |
Einführung zu digitalen Methoden in der Linguistik und Arbeitsfeldern im Bereich der Computerlinguistik (Ringvorlesung Linguistik im digitalen Zeitalter)
Lecturer(s): Heike Behrens Contact: Heike Behrens Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Tue, 21st Sep 21, |
Ringvorlesung: Linguistik im digitalen Zeitalter
Lecturer(s): Heike Behrens Contact: Heike Behrens Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Thu, 26th Aug 21, 14:00 - 17:30 |
Workshop: Le relazioni logico-argomentative nei testi normativi: specificazione, particolarizzazione, riformulazione parafrastica
Lecturer(s): Giovanni Piantanida; Luciano Zampese; Emilio Manzotti Contact: Filippo Pecorari |
Basel |
Thu, 15th Jul 21, 16:15 - 18:00 |
“Requests for verification across varieties of Spanish. A comparative approach to gaze behavior and response mobilization.” (Vortragsreihe Language & Communication)
Lecturer(s): Ignacio Satti Contact: Uta Reinöhl; Stefan Pfänder |
Freiburg-Online |
Fri, 9th Jul 21, 14:00 - 16:00 |
"Estructura de la información y significado epistémico en el Kichwa de Alto Napo (Ecuador)" (Lengua y comunicación en América Latina. Perspectivas antropológicas)
Lecturer(s): Karolina Grzech Contact: Dr. Mario Soto ONLINE Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
Thu, 8th Jul 21, 16:15 - 18:00 |
“Coding efficiency in inflectional morphology. Patterns and explanations” (Vortragsreihe Language & Communication)
Lecturer(s): Laura Becker Contact: Uta Reinöhl; Stefan Pfänder |
Freiburg-Online |
Fri, 2nd Jul 21, 14:00 - 16:00 |
"Rituales de mediación y moderación jurídica quechua: aspectos corporales" (Lengua y comunicación en América Latina. Perspectivas antropológicas)
Lecturer(s): Dr. Mario Soto Contact: Dr. Mario Soto ONLINE Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
Thu, 1st Jul 21, 16:15 - 18:00 |
"Krieg und Frieden. Ein Beitrag zu Mehrsprachigkeit und Bildung für eine sich wandelnde Gesellschaft" (Vortragsreihe Language & Communication)
Lecturer(s): Katharina Brizić Contact: Uta Reinöhl; Stefan Pfänder |
Freiburg-Online |
Fri, 25th Jun 21, 14:00 - 16:00 |
"Léxico cultural andino e ideología evangelizadora: el registro la terminología de parentesco del quechua en la Colonia temprana (Perú)" (Lengua y comunicación en América Latina. Perspectivas antropológicas)
Lecturer(s): Raúl Italo Bendezú Contact: Dr. Mario Soto ONLINE Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
Thu, 24th Jun 21, 16:15 - 18:00 |
"Ich sehe und deswegen verstehe ich? Die Rolle der Ethnizität in der Sprachverarbeitung." (Vortragsreihe Language & Communication)
Lecturer(s): Adriana Hanulikova Contact: Contact person Uta Reinöhl; Stefan Pfänder |
Freiburg-Online |
Fri, 18th Jun 21, 14:00 - 16:00 |
"Prácticas de reparación auto-iniciadas en quechua (Bolivia)" (Lengua y comunicación en América Latina. Perspectivas antropológicas)
Lecturer(s): Dr. Mario Soto Contact: Dr. Mario Soto ONLINE Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
18th - 19th Jun 21 |
Workshop: Digital Childhood
Lecturer(s): JProf. Dr. Adriana Hanulíková, JProf. Nicole Altvater-Mackensen Contact: JProf. Dr. Adriana Hanulíková , |
Freiburg-Online |
Thu, 17th Jun 21, |
“Robuste Statistik, Small Data und die syntagmatische Ebene in der Variationslinguistik” (Vortragsreihe Language & Communication)
Lecturer(s): Achim Rabus Contact: Uta Reinöhl; Stefan Pfänder |
Freiburg-Online |
Fri, 11th Jun 21, 14:00 - 16:00 |
"Contacto lingüístico y convergencia morfosintáctica: ¿cuál es la naturaleza de un cambio? El caso de había sido (Paraguay)" (Lengua y comunicación en América Latina. Perspectivas antropológicas)
Lecturer(s): Élodie Blestel Contact: Dr. Mario Soto ONLINE Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
Thu, 10th Jun 21, 16:15 - 18:00 |
“Serial verbs and ‘flat’ nominal expressions - Pushing the boundaries of semantic packaging?” (Vortragsreihe Language & Communication)
Lecturer(s): Uta Reinöhl, Kirsten Culhane, Simon Fries, Naomi Peck, Maria Vollmer Contact: Uta Reinöhl; Stefan Pfänder |
Freiburg-Online |
Mon, 7th Jun 21, 10:00 - 15:40 |
Workshop: On Transcribing non-Indo-European Languages: Perspectives from the Interactional Framework
Lecturer(s): Mizuki Koda; Yeji Lee; Marja-Leena Sorjonen; Sofian Bouaouina; Philipp Dankel; Mario Soto Rodríguez; Daniel Muz; Lorenza Mondada Contact: Mizuki Koda; Yeji Lee Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Fri, 4th Jun 21, 14:00 - 16:00 |
"Prácticas multimodales en la narración colaborativa en español y en quechua (Bolivia y Colombia)" (Lengua y comunicación en América Latina. Perspectivas antropológicas)
Lecturer(s): Dr. Mario Soto Contact: Dr. Mario Soto ONLINE Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
Fri, 4th Jun 21, 09:00 - 12:00 |
Virtual Linguistic Writing Group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri und Joelle Loew Contact: Aline Bieri Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Mon, 31st May 21, 10:00 - 12:00 |
Guest lecture „Signifikante Muster und der Ort von Kultur. Linguistische Kulturanalyse als Zugang zu historischen Lebenswelten“
Lecturer(s): Susanne Tienken Contact: Dr. Cynthia Dermarkar, Dr. Philipp Dankel ONLINE Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
Mon, 31st May 21, 09:00 - 12:00 |
Virtual Linguistic Writing Group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri und Joelle Loew Contact: Aline Bieri Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Fri, 28th May 21, 09:00 - 12:00 |
Virtual Linguistic Writing Group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri und Joelle Loew Contact: Aline Bieri Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Mon, 24th May 21, 09:00 - 12:00 |
Virtual Linguistic Writing Group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri und Joelle Loew Contact: Aline Bieri Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Fri, 21st May 21, 14:00 - 16:00 |
"¿La mirada mutua en Kichwa (Ecuador) como forma de crear intersubjetividad?" (Lengua y comunicación en América Latina. Perspectivas antropológicas)
Lecturer(s): Daniel Muz Contact: Dr. Mario Soto ONLINE Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
Fri, 21st May 21, 09:00 - 12:00 |
Virtual Linguistic Writing Group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri und Joelle Loew Contact: Aline Bieri Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Thu, 20th May 21, 16:15 - 18:00 |
“The Online Processing of Causal and Concessive Relations: Comparing Native Speakers of English and German.” (Vortragsreihe Language & Communication)
Lecturer(s): Alice Blumenthal-Dramé Contact: Uta Reinöhl; Stefan Pfänder |
Freiburg-Online |
Tue, 18th May 21, 16:15 - 18:00 |
Guest Lecture: “Toing and Froing between Theory and Data: A Study of Causative Constructions in EFL and ESL”
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Gaëtanelle Gilquin Contact: Dr. Cynthia Dermarkar, Dr. Philipp Dankel Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Fri, 14th May 21, 14:00 - 16:00 |
"Lengua, educación y derecho en la región Mixe y Zapoteca de la Sierra de Oaxaca (México)" (Lengua y comunicación en América Latina. Perspectivas antropológicas)
Lecturer(s): Damián Gallardo Contact: Dr. Mario Soto ONLINE Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
Fri, 14th May 21, 09:00 - 12:00 |
Virtual Linguistic Writing Group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri und Joelle Loew Contact: Aline Bieri Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Tue, 11th May 21, 16:15 - 18:00 |
Guest Lecture: “Researching Vocabulary Sophistication in Children's Writing with a Corpus”
Lecturer(s): Dr. Philipp Durrant Contact: Zeynep Köylü Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Tue, 11th May 21, 16:15 - 17:45 |
Guest lecture: "Language in Gibraltar – Past and Present"
Lecturer(s): Dr. Jeniffer Ballantine Perera Contact: Marta Rodriguez Garcia Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Mon, 10th May 21, 09:00 - 12:00 |
Virtual Linguistic Writing Group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri und Joelle Loew Contact: Aline Bieri Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Fri, 7th May 21, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Gastvortrag: "L'enunciato nominale nell'italiano digitato colloquiale"
Lecturer(s): Gloria Comandini (Università di Trento) Contact: Benedetta Rosi Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Fri, 7th May 21, 14:00 - 16:00 |
"Contacto y multimodalidad: listas andinas y sus gestos - adaptaciones situacionales (Bolivia)" (Lengua y comunicación en América Latina. Perspectivas antropológicas)
Lecturer(s): Dr. Philipp Dankel Contact: Dr. Mario Soto ONLINE Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
Fri, 7th May 21, 09:00 - 12:00 |
Virtual Linguistic Writing Group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri und Joelle Loew Contact: Aline Bieri Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Thu, 6th May 21, 16:15 - 18:00 |
“Past or completed? What embodied interaction might reveal about grammar, studying the Spanish Preterit.” (Vortragsreihe Language & Communication)
Lecturer(s): Oliver Ehmer Contact: Uta Reinöhl; Stefan Pfänder ONLINE Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
Mon, 3rd May 21, 09:00 - 12:00 |
Virtual Linguistic Writing Group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri und Joelle Loew Contact: Aline Bieri Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Fri, 30th Apr 21, 14:15 - 15:45 |
"Enseñanza del quechua y educación intercultural bilingüe en los Andes" (Lengua y comunicación en América Latina. Perspectivas antropológicas)
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Stefan Pfänder, Dr. Mario Soto Contact: Dr. Mario Soto ONLINE Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
Fri, 30th Apr 21, 09:00 - 12:00 |
Virtual Linguistic Writing Group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri und Joelle Loew Contact: Aline Bieri Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Thu, 29th Apr 21, 16:15 - 18:00 |
“STEP BY STEP (to answering) open questions in Construction Grammar” (Vortragsreihe Language & Communication)
Lecturer(s): Lotte Sommerer Contact: Uta Reinöhl; Stefan Pfänder ONLINE Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
Thu, 29th Apr 21, 16:00 - 18:00 |
First Session Doctoral colloquium FS21 (Presenters: Sarah Faidt, Zeynep Köylü)
Lecturer(s): Sarah Faidt; Zeynep Köylü Contact: Philipp Dankel Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Thu, 29th Apr 21, 12:15 - 14:00 |
Guest lecture: "L'italiano del diritto. Aspetti linguistici e tipologie testuali"
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Sergio Lubello Contact: Benedetta Rosi Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Mon, 26th Apr 21, 10:15 - 12:00 |
Guest Lecture: "What Makes Robots Persuasive?”
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Kerstin Fischer (Syddansk Universitet, Sønderborg) Contact: Daria Dayter Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Mon, 26th Apr 21, 09:00 - 12:00 |
Virtual Linguistic Writing Group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri und Joelle Loew Contact: Aline Bieri Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Fri, 23rd Apr 21, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Lengua y comunicación en América Latina: Einführung/Introducción
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Stefan Pfänder, Dr. Mario Soto Contact: Dr. Mario Soto ONLINE Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
Fri, 23rd Apr 21, 14:00 - 16:00 |
Seminar: Lengua y comunicación en América Latina. Perspectivas antropológicas
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Stefan Pfänder, Dr. Mario Soto Contact: Dr. Mario Soto ONLINE Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
Fri, 23rd Apr 21, 09:00 - 12:00 |
Virtual Linguistic Writing Group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri und Joelle Loew Contact: Aline Bieri Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
23rd - 24th Apr 21 |
17. Sprachwissenschaftlichen Tagung für Promotionsstudierende (STaPs)
Lecturer(s): JProf. Dr. Adriana Hanulíková Contact: Maria Vollmer, M.A. Sprachwissenschaftliches Seminar Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
Thu, 22nd Apr 21, 16:15 - 18:00 |
"Push and pull: U.S.-Nigerians and African-American English on a web forum" (Vortragsreihe Language & Communication)
Lecturer(s): Mirka Honkanen Contact: Uta Reinöhl; Stefan Pfänder ONLINE Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
22nd - 16th Apr 21 16:00 - 18:00 |
Vortragsreihe Language & Communication
Contact: Uta Reinöhl; Stefan Pfänder ONLINE Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
Tue, 20th Apr 21, 13:00 - 14:00 |
Research Colloquium: "Pragmatic Aspects of Telecinematic Writing"
Lecturer(s): Thomas Messerli Contact: Dr. Cynthia Dermarkar, Dr. Philipp Dankel Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Mon, 19th Apr 21, 09:00 - 12:00 |
Virtual Linguistic Writing Group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri und Joelle Loew Contact: Aline Bieri Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Fri, 16th Apr 21, 09:00 - 12:00 |
Virtual Linguistic Writing Group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri und Joelle Loew Contact: Aline Bieri Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Mon, 12th Apr 21, 09:00 - 12:00 |
Virtual Linguistic Writing Group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri und Joelle Loew Contact: Aline Bieri Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
12th - 15th Apr 21 |
El’Manuscript 2020. Textual heritage and information technologies (Conference)
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Achim Rabus Contact: Moulay Zaidan Lahjouji Werthmannstr. 14 79098 Freiburg i.Br., Germany |
Freiburg |
Fri, 9th Apr 21, 09:00 - 12:00 |
Virtual Linguistic Writing Group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri und Joelle Loew Contact: Aline Bieri Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Thu, 25th Mar 21, 09:00 - 16:30 |
Workshop: "Alignment and alignables in the analysis of interaction"
Lecturer(s): Jakob Steensig Contact: Mizuki Koda Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
23rd - 26th Feb 21 |
43. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS): Modell und Evidenz
Contact: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Christian Mair (host), Dr. Cynthia Dermarkar (coordinator) Englisches Seminar 79085 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
Mon, 15th Feb 21, 09:00 - 12:30 |
Online-Workshop: Modelli di segmentazione del testo scritto a confronto: analisi empiriche di testi d’uso e testi letterari
Contact: Filippo Pecorari Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Thu, 11th Feb 21, 18:00 - 20:00 |
POSTPONED! Susanne Tienken (Stockholm): Signifikante Muster und der Ort von Kultur. Linguistische Kulturanalyse als Zugang zu historischen Lebenswelten (Guest lecture)
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Susanne Tienken Contact: Prof. Dr. Racha Kirakosian Platz der Universität 3 79085 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
Thu, 4th Feb 21, 09:00 - 17:45 |
Online-Workshop: Italiano istituzionale svizzero: strumenti per l’analisi e primi risultati
Contact: Filippo Pecorari Online Basel, Switzerland |
Tue, 22nd Dec 20, 14:00 - 17:00 |
Virtual Linguistic writing group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri, Joelle Loew & Marta Rodríguez Contact: Aline Bieri Maiengasse 51, Room U113 4051 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Fri, 18th Dec 20, 09:00 - 12:00 |
VIRTUAL linguistic writing group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri & Joelle Loew Contact: Aline Bieri Departement Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Tue, 15th Dec 20, 14:00 - 17:00 |
Virtual Linguistic writing group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri, Joelle Loew & Marta Rodríguez Contact: Aline Bieri Maiengasse 51, Room U113 4051 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Fri, 11th Dec 20, 16:00 - 17:30 |
Feierliche Verleihung des Hermann-Paul-Preises
Contact: Dr. Cynthia Dermarkar, Dr. Philipp Dankel ONLINE Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
Fri, 11th Dec 20, 09:00 - 12:00 |
VIRTUAL linguistic writing group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri & Joelle Loew Contact: Aline Bieri Departement Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Tue, 8th Dec 20, 14:00 - 17:00 |
Virtual Linguistic writing group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri, Joelle Loew & Marta Rodríguez Contact: Aline Bieri Maiengasse 51, Room U113 4051 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Fri, 4th Dec 20, 09:00 - 12:00 |
VIRTUAL linguistic writing group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri & Joelle Loew Contact: Aline Bieri Departement Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Fri, 4th Dec 20, 09:00 - 13:30 |
Online-Workshop: Umgang mit Scheitern und Improvisation im Doktoratsprozess, Teil 2
Lecturer(s): Dr. Daniela Landert Contact: Philipp Dankel Departement Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Thu, 3rd Dec 20, 14:15 - 15:45 |
ONLINE: Perspective Taking during Communicative Acts
Lecturer(s): Dr. Shirley-Ann Rueschemeyer Contact: Prof. Dr. Evelyn Ferstl Hebelstr. 10 79104 Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg-Online |
Tue, 1st Dec 20, 14:00 - 17:00 |
Virtual Linguistic writing group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri, Joelle Loew & Marta Rodríguez Contact: Aline Bieri Maiengasse 51, Room U113 4051 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Fri, 27th Nov 20, 09:00 - 12:00 |
VIRTUAL linguistic writing group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri & Joelle Loew Contact: Aline Bieri Departement Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Tue, 24th Nov 20, 14:45 - 17:00 |
Doktorandenkolloquium HS 2020
Lecturer(s): Ilenia Tonetti Tübben und Marta Rodríguez Garcia Contact: Philipp Dankel |
Basel-Online |
Tue, 24th Nov 20, 14:00 - 17:00 |
Virtual Linguistic writing group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri, Joelle Loew & Marta Rodríguez Contact: Aline Bieri Maiengasse 51, Room U113 4051 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
20th - 21st Nov 20 10:00 - 18:00 |
Conference "Influence, Manipulation and Seduction. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Persuasive Language"
Contact: Daria Dayter Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Fri, 20th Nov 20, 09:00 - 12:00 |
VIRTUAL linguistic writing group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri & Joelle Loew Contact: Aline Bieri Departement Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Tue, 17th Nov 20, 14:00 - 17:00 |
Virtual Linguistic writing group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri, Joelle Loew & Marta Rodríguez Contact: Aline Bieri Maiengasse 51, Room U113 4051 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Tue, 17th Nov 20, 14:00 - 17:00 |
Virtual Linguistic writing group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri, Joelle Loew & Marta Rodríguez Contact: Aline Bieri Maiengasse 51, Room U113 4051 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Fri, 13th Nov 20, 09:00 - 12:00 |
VIRTUAL linguistic writing group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri & Joelle Loew Contact: Aline Bieri Departement Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Fri, 13th Nov 20, 09:00 - 13:30 |
Online-Workshop: Umgang mit Scheitern und Improvisation im Doktoratsprozess, Teil 1
Lecturer(s): Dr. Daniela Landert Contact: Philipp Dankel Departement Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Thu, 12th Nov 20, 14:15 - 15:45 |
Analysing phonetic and morphosyntactic variation and change in British English using app and Twitter data
Lecturer(s): Prof. Adrian Leemann Contact: Jakob Leimgruber |
Basel-Online |
Tue, 10th Nov 20, 14:00 - 17:00 |
Virtual Linguistic writing group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri, Joelle Loew & Marta Rodríguez Contact: Aline Bieri Maiengasse 51, Room U113 4051 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Fri, 6th Nov 20, 09:00 - 12:00 |
VIRTUAL linguistic writing group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri & Joelle Loew Contact: Aline Bieri Departement Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Thu, 5th Nov 20, |
Zoom-Workshop «Presenting work in progress: Methodological perspectives on first and second language development» (registration closed)
Lecturer(s): Marjolijn Verspoor & Wander Lowie Contact: Sarah Faidt & Zeynep Köylü Departement Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Tue, 3rd Nov 20, 14:00 - 17:00 |
Virtual Linguistic writing group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri, Joelle Loew & Marta Rodríguez Contact: Aline Bieri Maiengasse 51, Room U113 4051 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Fri, 30th Oct 20, 09:00 - 12:00 |
VIRTUAL linguistic writing group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri & Joelle Loew Contact: Aline Bieri Departement Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Tue, 27th Oct 20, 14:00 - 17:00 |
Virtual Linguistic writing group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri, Joelle Loew & Marta Rodríguez Contact: Aline Bieri Maiengasse 51, Room U113 4051 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Fri, 23rd Oct 20, 09:00 - 12:00 |
VIRTUAL linguistic writing group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri & Joelle Loew Contact: Aline Bieri Departement Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Tue, 20th Oct 20, 14:00 - 17:00 |
Virtual Linguistic writing group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri, Joelle Loew & Marta Rodríguez Contact: Aline Bieri Maiengasse 51, Room U113 4051 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Fri, 16th Oct 20, 09:00 - 12:00 |
VIRTUAL linguistic writing group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri & Joelle Loew Contact: Aline Bieri Departement Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Tue, 13th Oct 20, 14:00 - 17:00 |
Virtual Linguistic writing group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri, Joelle Loew & Marta Rodríguez Contact: Aline Bieri Maiengasse 51, Room U113 4051 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Fri, 9th Oct 20, 09:00 - 12:00 |
VIRTUAL linguistic writing group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri & Joelle Loew Contact: Aline Bieri Departement Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Tue, 6th Oct 20, 14:00 - 17:00 |
Virtual Linguistic writing group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri, Joelle Loew & Marta Rodríguez Contact: Aline Bieri Maiengasse 51, Room U113 4051 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Fri, 2nd Oct 20, 09:00 - 12:00 |
VIRTUAL linguistic writing group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri & Joelle Loew Contact: Aline Bieri Departement Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Tue, 29th Sep 20, 14:00 - 17:00 |
Virtual Linguistic writing group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri, Joelle Loew & Marta Rodríguez Contact: Aline Bieri Maiengasse 51, Room U113 4051 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Fri, 25th Sep 20, 09:00 - 12:00 |
VIRTUAL linguistic writing group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri & Joelle Loew Contact: Aline Bieri Departement Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Tue, 22nd Sep 20, 14:00 - 17:00 |
Virtual Linguistic writing group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri, Joelle Loew & Marta Rodríguez Contact: Aline Bieri Maiengasse 51, Room U113 4051 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Fri, 18th Sep 20, 09:00 - 12:00 |
VIRTUAL linguistic writing group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri & Joelle Loew Contact: Aline Bieri Departement Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Tue, 15th Sep 20, 14:00 - 17:00 |
Virtual Linguistic writing group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri, Joelle Loew & Marta Rodríguez Contact: Aline Bieri Maiengasse 51, Room U113 4051 Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
13th - 17th Sep 20 |
POSTPONED to spring 2021: El’Manuscript 2020. Textual heritage and information technologies (Konferenz)
Contact: Prof. Dr. Achim Rabus , |
Freiburg |
7th - 9th Sep 20 |
CANCELLED: KogWis 2020: Understanding Minds
Lecturer(s): Evelyn Ferstl, Rul von Stülpnagel, Lars Konieczny, Judith Beck Contact: Prof. Dr. Evelyn Ferstl , |
Cancelled |
27th - 31st Jul 20 09:00 - 13:00 |
Grenzen sprachlicher Diversität? (Online Methodenworkshop)
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Uta Reinöhl Contact: Constantin Zenthöfer Online Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
13th - 17th Jul 20 09:00 - 13:00 |
Methoden der Typologie (Online Methodenworkshop)
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Uta Reinöhl Contact: Constantin Zenthöfer Online Freiburg, Germany |
Freiburg |
29th - 30th Jun 20 |
R for Textual Data. Modeling, Managing, and Analysis: Specific aspects of R for text analysis (Methodenworkshop)
Lecturer(s): Berenike Herrmann Contact: Berenike Herrmann; Philipp Dankel , |
Basel |
Fri, 26th Jun 20, 15:00 - 17:00 |
Session 5: R for Textual Data. Modeling, Managing, and Analysis (Methodenworkshop)
Lecturer(s): Moniek Kuijpers, Berenike Herrmann Contact: Moniek Kuijpers; Philipp Dankel Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Fri, 26th Jun 20, 11:00 - 13:00 |
Session 4: R for Textual Data. Modeling, Managing, and Analysis (Methodenworkshop)
Lecturer(s): Moniek Kuijpers Contact: Moniek Kuijpers; Philipp Dankel Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Fri, 19th Jun 20, 11:00 - 13:00 |
Session 3: R for Textual Data. Modeling, Managing, and Analysis (Methodenworkshop)
Lecturer(s): Moniek Kuijpers Contact: Moniek Kuijpers; Philipp Dankel Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Fri, 12th Jun 20, 11:00 - 13:00 |
Session 2: R for Textual Data. Modeling, Managing, and Analysis (Methodenworkshop)
Lecturer(s): Moniek Kuijpers Contact: Moniek Kuijpers; Philipp Dankel Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Wed, 10th Jun 20, 14:00 - 15:30 |
Le connecteur mais et l’emploi concessif de bien: pourquoi existe-t-il en français et non en italien ? Quelques hypothèses à partir d’une démarche quantitative
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Corinne Rossari & Dr. Claudia Ricci (Université de Neuchâtel) Contact: Benedetta Rosi Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Fri, 5th Jun 20, 11:00 - 13:00 |
Session 1: R for Textual Data. Modeling, Managing, and Analysis (Methodenworkshop)
Lecturer(s): Moniek Kuijpers Contact: Moniek Kuijpers; Philipp Dankel Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
1st - 30th Jun 20 |
R for Textual Data. Modeling, Managing, and Analysis (Methodenworkshop)
Lecturer(s): Moniek Kuijpers, Berenike Herrmann Contact: Moniek Kuijpers; Philipp Dankel Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Fri, 29th May 20, 09:00 - 12:00 |
VIRTUAL Linguistic Writing Group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri und Joelle Loew Contact: Aline Bieri Englisches Seminar, Nadelberg 6, Raum 13, Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Tue, 26th May 20, 16:00 - 17:30 |
Semantic networks across age and language
Lecturer(s): Dr. Dirk Wulff (Center for Cognitive and Decision Science Uni Basel/ MPI for Human Development Berlin) Contact: Dr. Cynthia Dermarkar, Dr. Philipp Dankel Online Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Tue, 26th May 20, 14:00 - 17:00 |
VIRTUAL Linguistic Writing Group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri und Joelle Loew Contact: Aline Bieri Englisches Seminar, Nadelberg 6, Raum 13, Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Fri, 22nd May 20, 09:00 - 12:00 |
VIRTUAL Linguistic Writing Group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri und Joelle Loew Contact: Aline Bieri Englisches Seminar, Nadelberg 6, Raum 13, Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Tue, 19th May 20, 14:00 - 17:00 |
VIRTUAL Linguistic Writing Group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri und Joelle Loew Contact: Aline Bieri Englisches Seminar, Nadelberg 6, Raum 13, Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Fri, 15th May 20, 09:00 - 12:00 |
VIRTUAL Linguistic Writing Group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri und Joelle Loew Contact: Aline Bieri Englisches Seminar, Nadelberg 6, Raum 13, Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Tue, 12th May 20, 14:00 - 17:00 |
VIRTUAL Linguistic Writing Group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri und Joelle Loew Contact: Aline Bieri Englisches Seminar, Nadelberg 6, Raum 13, Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Tue, 12th May 20, 13:00 - 14:00 |
ABGESAGT: Forschungskolloquium
Lecturer(s): Dr. Zeynep Köylü (Universität Basel) Contact: Dr. Zeynep Köylü or Prof. Dr. Ina Habermann Englisches Seminar (online) Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
11th - 12th May 20 |
Prospettive di analisi dei connettivi (Doktorierendenseminar)
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Angela Ferrari & Prof. Tit. Dr. Anna-Maria De Cesare Contact: Prof. Dr. Angela Ferrari Italianistik Universität Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Fri, 8th May 20, 09:00 - 12:00 |
VIRTUAL Linguistic Writing Group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri und Joelle Loew Contact: Aline Bieri Englisches Seminar, Nadelberg 6, Raum 13, Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Wed, 6th May 20, 13:00 - 15:00 |
Learning Languages in the classroom and in the wild (Online)
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Rosamond Mitchell (University of Southampton) Contact: Zeynep Köylü , |
Basel-Online |
Tue, 5th May 20, 14:00 - 17:00 |
VIRTUAL Linguistic Writing Group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri und Joelle Loew Contact: Aline Bieri Englisches Seminar, Nadelberg 6, Raum 13, Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Wed, 29th Apr 20, |
ABGESAGT: Workshop «L2 development across contexts: Welcoming the digital wild»
Contact: Magdalena Zinsstag Kollegienhaus, Raum 103 (Petersplatz 1, 4001 Basel) , |
Basel |
Wed, 29th Apr 20, |
ABGESAGT: Von der Zweitspracherwerbsforschung in die Zweitsprachvermittlung: Theoretische Modellierungen, empirische Befunde, didaktische Optionen (Workshop)
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Thorsten Piske, Dr. Gunde Kurtz Contact: Karin Madlener , |
Basel |
Tue, 28th Apr 20, 14:00 - 17:00 |
VIRTUAL Linguistic Writing Group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri und Joelle Loew Contact: Aline Bieri Englisches Seminar, Nadelberg 6, Raum 13, Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Fri, 24th Apr 20, 09:00 - 12:00 |
VIRTUAL Linguistic Writing Group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri und Joelle Loew Contact: Aline Bieri Englisches Seminar, Nadelberg 6, Raum 13, Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
23rd - 24th Apr 20 01:00 - 02:00 |
How to Utilize Eye-Tracking in Literary Reading Research (EUCOR Campus Workshop)
Contact: Dr. Cynthia Dermarkar, Dr. Philipp Dankel , |
Basel |
Tue, 21st Apr 20, 14:00 - 17:00 |
VIRTUAL Linguistic Writing Group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri und Joelle Loew Contact: Aline Bieri Englisches Seminar, Nadelberg 6, Raum 13, Basel, Switzerland |
Online |
Fri, 17th Apr 20, 09:00 - 12:00 |
VIRTUAL Linguistic Writing Group
Lecturer(s): Aline Bieri und Joelle Loew Contact: Aline Bieri Englisches Seminar, Nadelberg 6, Raum 13, Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Tue, 7th Apr 20, 14:00 - 17:00 |
VIRTUAL Linguistic Writing Group
Lecturer(s): Joelle Loew, Aline Bieri Contact: Aline Bieri , |
Basel |
Fri, 3rd Apr 20, 09:00 - 12:00 |
VIRTUAL Linguistic Writing Group
Lecturer(s): Joelle Loew, Aline Bieri Contact: Aline Bieri , |
Basel |
Wed, 18th Mar 20, 14:00 - 16:00 |
ONLINE: Filipino Domestic Worker English (Gastvortrag)
Lecturer(s): Ariane Macalinga Borlongan Contact: Dr. Cynthia Dermarkar, Dr. Philipp Dankel Englisches Seminar, Nadelberg 6, Grosser Hörsaal Basel, Switzerland |
Basel-Online |
Tue, 17th Mar 20, 16:00 - 18:00 |
ABGESAGT: Linguistics and Population Genetics: Reconstructing the origins of Latin America's Black populations (Gastvortrag)
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Armin Schwegler (University of California) Contact: Marta Rodríguez García , |
Basel |
Tue, 10th Mar 20, 14:00 - 17:00 |
Linguistic Writing Group
Lecturer(s): Joelle Loew, Aline Bieri Contact: Aline Bieri Nadelberg 6, Raum 13, Basel, Switzerland |
Basel |
Mon, 9th Mar 20, 14:00 - 16:00 |
Gastronomía española medieval y renacentista: manjares y denominaciones (Gastvortrag)
Lecturer(s): Prof. Rolf Eberenz Contact: Oxana Danilova , |
Basel |
Tue, 25th Feb 20, 13:00 - 14:00 |
The Spontaneous Co-Creation of Fiction: Humour in Improvised Theatre (Forschungskolloquium)
Lecturer(s): Dr. Daniela Landert (Universität Basel) Contact: Ina Habermann , |
Basel |
Thu, 13th Feb 20, 08:30 - 10:00 |
Linguistisches Frühstück mit Prof. Bernd Kortmann: Linguistics and the replication crisis
Lecturer(s): Prof. Dr. Bernd Kortmann Contact: Cynthia Dermarkar , |
Freiburg |
Wed, 12th Feb 20, 14:00 - 16:00 |
Statistics Study Group for Linguists 7
Lecturer(s): Kyla McConnelll & Julia Müller Contact: Dr. Cynthia Dermarkar, Dr. Philipp Dankel , |
Freiburg |
Thu, 23rd Jan 20, 10:00 - 12:00 |
Statistics Study Group for Linguists 6
Lecturer(s): Kyla McConnelll & Julia Müller Contact: Dr. Cynthia Dermarkar, Dr. Philipp Dankel , |
Freiburg |
Thu, 23rd Jan 20, |
Accordi e disaccordi in rete: aspetti linguistici, comunicativi e psicosociali (Kongress)
Lecturer(s): Italienische Sprachwissenschaft Universität Basel Contact: Prof. Angela Ferrari Hörsaal 111, Kollegiengebäude, Petersplatz, 4051 Basel , |
Basel |
17th - 19th Jan 20 09:00 - 17:00 |
Workshop with Prof. Elizabeth Stokoe: Conversation Analytic Role-play Method (CARM)
Lecturer(s): Philipp Freyburger, Oliver Ehmer, Florence Oloff Contact: Philipp Freyburger, Oliver Ehmer Liefmannhaus, Goethestraße 33 , |
Freiburg |
Thu, 16th Jan 20, 10:00 - 16:00 |
Social Practices of (Dis)Agreement and (Dis)Alignment in Computer Mediated Interaction
Lecturer(s): Université de Haute-Alsace, Institut de Recherche en Langues et Littératures Européennes Contact: Greta Komur-Thilloy, Inkar Kuramayeva Faculté des Langues, Lettres et Sciences Humaines (FLSH), Université de Haute-Alsace, Mulhouse Cedex , |
Thu, 9th Jan 20, 10:00 - 12:00 |
Statistics Study Group for Linguists5
Lecturer(s): Kyla McConnelll & Julia Müller Contact: Dr. Cynthia Dermarkar, Dr. Philipp Dankel , |
Freiburg |
Thu, 1st Jan 70, 01:00 - 02:00 |
Statistics with R for variationist sociolinguistics1
Contact: Dr. Cynthia Dermarkar, Dr. Philipp Dankel , |
Freiburg |
Thu, 1st Jan 70, 01:00 - 02:00 |
Statistics with R for variationist sociolinguistics
Contact: Dr. Cynthia Dermarkar, Dr. Philipp Dankel Universität Freiburg, KG I, Slavisches Seminar, Raum 1004 , |
Freiburg |