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ISLE Summer School 2024

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Date22nd - 27th July 2024
RegistrationRegistration required
LocationEnglisches Seminar Freiburg Germany
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The 2024 Summer School of the International Society for the Linguistics of English will be hosted by the Department of English of the University of Freiburg.

Topic and overarching aim of this summer school:

English(es) as a Moving Target

Exploring online data and online processing

This summer school aims to bring together innovative theoretical and methodological perspectives on online language, where ‘online’ can be interpreted in different, but complementary (and potentially intersecting) ways:

  1. Focus on language use on the web (comprising, among other things, the specifics of computer-mediated discourse, computer-human interaction, hate speech, network modelling, identities and varieties on the web, etc.)
  2. Focus on language processing in real time in the human mind: e.g., how do readers/listeners comprehend the incoming stream of language and integrate it with their pre-existing knowledge? How do writers/speakers plan, execute and amend the language production process, and how are all these processes modulated by variables like linguistic background (multilingualism, variety type, typological features of the language) and medium (e.g., face-to-face vs. electronic)?