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Kongress: “El español en África: en pasado, presente y futuro”

Lecturer(s)See Program
Contact personSandra Schlumpf-Thurnherr, Sara Carreira,
Date28th - 29th June 2024
RegistrationRegistration required
LocationMaiengasse 51, Sala 0105 4056 Basel Switzerland

Content and objectives

Most Spanish speakers live in the Americas and Europe. However, the Spanish language also plays a role on the African continent that should not be underestimated, especially in the two Spanish exclaves Ceuta and Melilla, Western Sahara, Morocco and Equatorial Guinea. The aim of this conference is to examine the challenges and opportunities of the Spanish language in Africa in the past, present and future. Individual contributions will examine these various regions of Africa with a clear connection to the Spanish language from a current perspective. The focus will be on sociolinguistic and language policy aspects, but dialectological and linguistic contact phenomena will also be addressed.  

Specific topics that may be addressed in individual contributions are the following: the positioning of Spain or the Spanish language vis-à-vis Africa; methodological and theoretical considerations on the positioning of Africa in the Spanish-speaking world and in Spanish linguistics; language contacts, language policy and the role of language institutions in the African areas studied (e.g., Real Academia Española, Academia Ecuatoguineana de la Lengua Española, Instituto Cervantes); language ideologies and language attitudes; new theoretical approaches from postcolonial and decolonial perspectives; functions, status and characteristics of Spanish in Africa.

The conference is relevant and innovative within Spanish linguistics because it will bring together a group of international specialists who, from different theoretical and methodological approaches, are dedicated to the different African regions mentioned above. In this way, the encounter will encourage a supra-regional and international exchange on the role and significance of the Spanish language in Africa. Although each of the individual contributions will focus on one of the regions studied (Ceuta, Melilla, Western Sahara, Morocco, Equatorial Guinea), together they will offer an overview of the situation of Spanish in Africa at present, taking into account also its past, as well as an exchange on its potential and its challenges for the future.


The presentations will be organized along the following geographical areas: Ceuta, Melilla, Western Sahara, Morocco and Equatorial Guinea. Experts with different backgrounds and working in academic institutions in Spain, Equatorial Guinea, USA, Italy, Germany and Switzerland have confirmed their participation. All presentations will be held in Spanish.


Friday, June 28, 2024

09:00 Reception and pickup of materials
09:30 Conference opening and welcome (Sandra Schlumpf-Thurnherr & Sara Carreira)
09:45 – 11:15 Session 1: Ceuta. Chair: Marta Rodríguez García
Mª del Carmen Ayora Esteban: El español en Ceuta: Evolución lingüística. Estado de la cuestión y situación sociolingüística
Verónica Rivera Reyes: El codeswitching español/árabe como seña de identidad de la población bilingüe ceutí
11:15 – 11:45 Coffee
11:45 – 12:30 Session 2: Melilla. Chair: Sandra Schlumpf-Thurnherr
Mohand Tilmatine: Melilla y la Carta europea de las lenguas regionales o minoritarias: el bereber ¿lengua de Europa?
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
13:30 – 15:00 Session 3: Equatorial Guinea (I). Chair: Ángel Berenguer Amador
Susana Castillo Rodríguez: Política y paisaje lingüístico en Guinea Ecuatorial. Una aportación desde la lingüística decolonial
Armando Zamora Segorbe: El adverbio más y sus distintos valores en el español guineoecuatoriano
15:00 – 15:30 Coffee
15:30 – 16:15 Session 4: Equatorial Guinea (II). Chair: Sara Carreira
Ewurama Okine: La concordancia de género en el español de Guinea Ecuatorial
16:15 – 17:00 Final exchange day 1 in charge of: Matteo De Beni & Carsten Sinner
17:00 – 18:15 Break
18:15 – 19:30 Guided tour of Basel by: Ángel Berenguer Amador (meeting point at Hotel Rochat at 18:15)
19:30 Dinner: Restaurant Löwenzorn – with short literary readings by: Joaquín Mbomío Bacheng & Bahia Mahmud Hamadi Omar


Saturday, June 29, 2024

09:30 – 11:00 Session 5: Equatorial Guinea (III). Chair: Ángel Berenguer Amador
Sandra Schlumpf-Thurnherr: Usos y valores del español en Guinea Ecuatorial: actitudes lingüísticas de los propios hablantes
Sara Carreira: Nuevos datos sobre las formas de tratamiento pronominales en el español de Guinea Ecuatorial: entre proximidad y distanciamiento
11:00 – 11:30 Coffee
11:30 – 13:00 Session 6: Morocco. Chair: Sara Carreira
Lotfi Sayahi: El español en el norte de Marruecos: perspectivas históricas y datos actuales
Adil Moustaoui Srhir: Las políticas de la lengua española en Marruecos: entre la ambigüedad y el laissez-faire
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 15:00 Session 7: Western Sahara. Chair: Sandra Schlumpf-Thurnherr
Bahia Mahmud Hamadi Omar: Cómo llegó la lengua de García Lorca al Sahara Occidental y a los saharauis
Talk and discussion followed by the presentation of the book Mi madre, mi maestra. Memorias del Sáhara Occidental (2024)
15:00 – 15:30 Coffee
15:30 – 16:30 Final discussion in charge of: Matteo De Beni & Carsten Sinner
16:30 – 16:45 End of conference (Sandra Schlumpf-Thurnherr & Sara Carreira)



Mª del Carmen Ayora Esteban (Universidad de Granada, Campus de Ceuta)

Sara Carreira (Universität Basel)

Susana Castillo-Rodríguez (SUNY Geneseo)

Bahia Mahmud Hamadi Omar (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)

Adil Moustaoui Srhir (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

Ewurama Okine (Texas A&M University)

Verónica Rivera Reyes (IES Clara Campoamor, Ceuta)

Lotfi Sayahi (University at Albany, SUNY)

Sandra Schlumpf-Thurnherr (Universität Basel)

Mohand Tilmatine (Universidad de Cádiz)

Armando Zamora Segorbe (Universidad Nacional de Guinea Ecuatorial)


Matteo De Beni (Università degli Studi di Verona)

Carsten Sinner (Universität Leipzig)


Invited writer

Joaquín Mbomío Bacheng


Organizing committee

Sara Carreira

Sara Ferizi

Johannes Ritter

Sandra Schlumpf-Thurnherr