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NIHIN book series

The book series NIHIN – New Ideas in Human Interaction – is a joint venture of the Hermann Paul School of Linguistics (HPSL) and the Freiburg University Library (UB). NIHIN provides a modern, open access platform for theses and corpus publications.


NIHIN comprises NIHIN studies and NIHIN stories.

NIHIN stories

is geared towards the publication of language corpora. NIHIN stories aims at making spoken language corpora available to the public and at enhancing the visibility of linguistic research in society in general, with a particular focus on oral narrations. NIHIN stories actively implements standards advocated by the German Research Foundation (DFG) with respect to open access and the management, curation and long-term preservation not only of scientific studies but also of (linguistic) scientific data to enable future use and reuse of data gathered for individual projects.NIHIN stories provides a unique opportunity for young academics to publish not only their thesis but also the data they have gathered for their thesis in an easily accessible format. A second publication at such an early stage in their career will be very advantageous for their career.

Published (in order of appearance)

Skrovec, Marie Bretons en conversation. Souvenirs du Xxe siècle, 2012
Dankel, Philipp and
Pagel, Steve
Rosa Alcira Cuenca Quirós. Más que una heroína, 2012
Gutowski, Johanna Ein Sprachreiseführer durch Bolivien, 2012
Bulnes, Marta and
Feichtner, Maximilian
La Pachamama y el petróleo. Tradiciones y sus transformaciones en la comunidad kichwa de San Isidro (Ecuador), 2014

NIHIN studies

is geared specifically towards current HPSL PhD candidates in linguistics and disciplines related to cognition and interaction who seek a swift, professional and low-cost mode of publishing their PhD thesis.

Published (in order of appearance)

Vetter, Dirk Das Spanisch der Chinesen in Buenos Aires: Lernersprachliche Strategien und narrative Identität
Hügel, Michaela “Wenn Familien sich und andere(n) Geschichten erzählen” – Die narrative Konstitution von Familie durch gemeinsame Positionierungen in der Interaktion
Höhn, Nicole Quotatives in the Jamaican acrolect: Corpus-based variationist studies of vernacular globalisation in World Englishes
Pfänder, Caroline Weiterreden und Fortschreiben. Mündliche und schriftliche Anschlussinteraktionen im Literaturunterricht
Pereyra, Soledad Postautonomous Terrorism in Current Argentine Literature: The Works of Washington Cucurto
Mocken, Susanne Informatik erschließt Literatur: der discours citant in der französischen Romanliteratur zwischen 1750 und 1920.
Lorenz, David Contractions of English semi-modals: the emancipating effect of frequency
Soto, Mario Gramática bilingüe en interacción: expresar la causa en el quechua y español bolivianos
Gundermann, Susanne English Medium instruction: modelling the role of the native speaker in a lingua franca context
Schneider, Ulrike Frequency, chunks, and hesitations: a usage-based analysis of chunking English
Schäfer, Michael Phonetic reduction of adverbs in Icelandic: on the role of frequency and other factors
Alfaré, Andrea Der Zeigefinger als Fingerzeig: interaktionale und koordinative Aspekte in der Aneignung von Zeigegeste und kommunikativem Sprachgebrauch mit Menschen mit schweren kommunikativen Beeinträchtigungen
Quaßdorf, Sixta “A little more than kin” – Quotations as a linguistic phenomenon: a study based on quotations from Shakespeare`s Hamlet
Winkle, Claudia Non-canonical structures, they use them differently: information packaging in spoken varieties of English
Schäfer-Fauth, Lisa Zwischen Selbstgestaltung und Selbsterhaltung: sprachliche Identitätskonstruktionen und subjektives Veränderungserleben von Menschen mit plastisch-chirurgischen Eingriffen im Gesicht
Roller, Katja Salience in Welsh English grammar: a usage-based approach
Horch, Stephanie Conversion in Asian Englishes: a usage-based account of the emergence of new local norms
Künkel, Lisann Linking französischer und spanischer Niederschlagsverben: Aktionsart, Subjekte und Inakkusativität
Kailuweit, R., Künkel, L., Staudinger, E. Applying and Expanding Role and Reference Grammar
Ilin, Natalia Perception of learner errors and non-standard features in the native and non-native language: evaluation vs. processing cost
Feijoo Rodriguez, Sonia Somos más British que los British”. Gibraltar: Code-Switching im Dienst der Identitätskonstruktion
Rudolf von Rohr, Marie-Thérèse Persuasion in smoking cessation online: an interpersonal pragmatics perspective
Terassa, Laura Anna Maria Morphological simplification in Asian Englishes: frequency, substratum transfer, and institutionalization
Rudnicka, Karolina The Statistics of Obsolescence: Purpose Subordinators in Late Modern English
Rohe, Udo Julius The progressive in present-day spoken English: real-time studies of its spread and functional diversification
Li, Jingying Tense and aspect in second language acquisition: A corpus-based comparison of Chinese and German learner English
Tavares, Elisa Autenticidade e identidade : tradição e inovação no batuku crioulo de Cabo Verde
van Schepen, Nynke Questioning in political debates: how citizens manage to speak in public
Ziaja, Ursula Weaving Patterns. The Function of Form in Creative German-English Poetry Translation
Orjuela, Adriana La trova latinoamericana. Descripción del género y análisis de la interacción en el performance
Messerli, Thomas C. Repetition in telecinematic humour: how US American sitcoms employ formal and semantic repetition in the construction of multimodal humour
Pietropaolo, Carmela Perception, Usage and Productivity of Variable Morphological Rules: Investigations on the Italian Subjunctive
Zámečník, Jiří Disfluency Prediction in Natural Spoken Language
Özen, Seval Multi-word verb usage by Turkish learners of English: A corpus-based study
Thurnherr, Franziska Interpersonal pragmatics and the therapeutic alliance. The collaborative work in email counseling
Wulfert, Sophia Processing German initial consonant clusters. The roles of frequency of use and sonority sequencing in perception and production
Bai, Yinchun Towards discourse markers: A cross-linguistic study of grammatical constructionalization
Dreyer, Florian Gestaltorientierungen in der Psychotherapie. Rekurrente Orientierungen am Modell und ihre therapeutische Wirksamkeit
Mandel, Daniel Peter Jemandem eine Stimme geben. Polyphone und polykinetische Äußerungen im Sprechen von Angesicht zu Angesicht
Schimon, Andrianna Grenzeffekte im Karpatorussinischen: Konstruktion, Perzeption, Variation
In press
Cuthbertson, Laura Temporal Conceptualisation in Present-Day Spoken English: Beyond Tense and Aspect
In preparation
Bieri, Aline Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in a Swiss Context

Applicants have to be members of the HPSL. Dissertations awarded at least magna cum laude are eligible for publication in the series.

Authors provide a camera ready copy of their thesis or their corpus as an unprotected pdf file. Publication within the NIHIN series provides the following advantages:

  • simultaneous digital and print publication with ISBN number
  • inclusion of audio and video data as well as interactive maps in the digital version of the publication

Costs for a NIHIN publication range between 200-400 € for PhD candidates. The authors submit 2 deposit copies to the HPSL.